mid-term exam essay for human geography was given today and was not as hard as
I thought it was going to be. For the test I wrote seven paragraphs five on
each stage of the demographic transition with an intro and conclusion
paragraph. The essay only took about thirty-five to forty-five minutes and
was a lot easier with the card. I wrote on my card things I thought I might
forget while taking the essay, so I wrote it on there, and I think I got down all
the things I wanted to put on it. For the exam I wrote that I think that the
future for demographic transitions in unknown and can go either way and both
ways could be good or bad because no countries are past stage five. For the
first stage I wrote what I had on my note card of the countries moving from 1st
through second either in the industrial revolution or during the medical aid in
the 1960-70
Friday, December 13, 2019
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Day 48- Midterm Essay
Austin Schmidt
Honors Human Geography
Mr. Schick
C Essay
transitions are not the most reliable way of describing a counties birth rate,
death rate and total population in the future. There are five sections of the
demographic transition but there could be more that we just don’t know about yet
because they haven’t been lived through yet. With every year that goes by more countries
are entering higher and higher sections of the transition. Because of these facts
no one can truly know haw many transitions there are.
are four different parts of the demographic transition everyone can agree upon
but the fifth section I one that is still debated. The fifth part of the
transition is predicted to take countries into decrease in population because of
not many children being born and a very low death rate. There are only a few
countries to be in the fifth stage but in the next few decades more could
transfer into this stage. These facts about how we are going into a fifth
transition that we don’t know what will happen.
transitions in the future could be different from the ones that we know of
right now but could just restart like a loop. The future for demographic
transitions is even less agreed upon because some people believe that it could
go back to stage one or could create a new section that has a lower birth rate
and a higher birth rate.
final reason why they are not reliable for predicting the future is because what
demographic transitions were like in the past. In the past before the
industrial revolution there was no thought about different sections because most
places were the same with a high birth rate and high death rate with a low
population. Once the revolution started then countries started changing which
could happen but almost a reverse where something kicks up the birth and death
rates to keep countries steady.
summarize my points the past and the future show how the demographic transition
is only good for showing countries in lower parts of the transition and not
good for the future.
Monday, December 9, 2019
Day 47- Geographic transitions
Today in class we took the test on geographic transitions. The test was very difficult compared to previous tests. I completely forgot what are two other stage 5 countries. Looking at the first part of the test I thought it would be easy but as soon as I turned to the second page I completely forgot what I was doing. The find the error problem stumped me at first but I think I got it. Since we only took the test today I am going to talk about something. I recently learned about a tool called 3utools and I have been using it all day. It is a tool that allows for decryption of screen time passwords, jailbreaking whenever and reading system logs. It also can install 3rd party IPA files which is amazing and maybe the most important. It can also turn your computer into a screen mirroring for iPhones.
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Day 46-Revewing the Work from Yesterday
Yesterday we did the blog on the three video. My favorite video out of all three was the second one because it was easy to understand and had a lot of different facts. Today when we went over the videos and it was very good because it was easier to understand what it was about. The part on the specifics of the graph were a lot easier to understand why stage 5 isn't agreed upon. The reason it is not agreed upon because only a few countries are in that stage and they haven't been in it for that long so there are two main theory's. The first theory is the one that the population is going to go down until the population can be controlled again. The part about a countries going back in the steps is strange to me because when I think of steps don't think of going down
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Day 45- Learning Videos
Video 1
The demographic transition model shows how modernization affects the countries population
You have to account for immigration and emigration when making the model
Countries don't need to go linear through the model
Video 2
There is something that is called a cultural lag where the mortality rate goes down without the population being able to do anything about it
In stage three girls go to school and have jobs which decreases the birth rate which is the starting point of a stage three country
Demographic trap is where the population goes over the carrying capacity of a nation which puts them back to stage 1
Video 3
Most countries in the 4th stage are having a smaller population
Immigration is what is keeping most European countries from having a decreasing population
High birth rates in third world countries is due to kids being useful on a farm
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Day 44- First Day of Demographic Transitions
Today in class we started talking about demographic transitions. Demographic transitions are a type of graph that is used to model birth and death rates and finding what stage of a country they are. There are four stages that everyone agrees with and a fifth that is disputed. stage one is a country with high birth and death rates but a very low rate of natural increase. A stage 2 country is one with a drastically lower death rate and a higher or steady rate of natural increase. The third stage is a stage where the birth rate goes down very fast along with the death rate which doesn't fall as fast. a stage 4 country is one with a very low rate of natural increase and the birth and deaths get close together until they level out. The last stage is one that is disputed and it is a country with a negative rate of natural increase which would mean that the death rate would need to be higher than the birth rate.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Day 43- Test Review
Today In
class we went over the test and I think it was easy and I checked my grade on
verracross so I don't know what I need to study because I haven't started the
review yet. I am just going to talk about things I learned today. Today I
learned that a project I have been watching has gotten a tool called Checkra1n
to run on Linux and once they release it I am going to make portable versions
of it to jailbreak my phone any time and be able to update my phone. I also
found a project that has the ability to perform downgrades on iOS without blobs
or nonce which is a huge step in the right direction. I also learned the third
person has the black death in china and china needs t keep it away, so it
doesn't seem like I traveled back to 1600s France.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Day 42- The Religion Test
Today in human geography we took the human geography religion test that will most likely be on the exam. The test did not take as long as I thought it would because I thought it was not going to be a scan tron because of the things we needed to learn like exact numbers, locations and adherents just to name a few. The test only took me about five to ten minutes while for the whole class it was about a fifteen minute quiz. The part of the test I think I will need to study for the final is the differences between Hinduism and Buddhism. The easy part of the test were the questions on Christianity because I already know the answers. The parts on Islam and Judaism were the easiest to remember except Christianity because I learned about them in middle school so it all came back from the previous years because of studying the power point.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Day 40- Start of Religions
Today we
started talking about religion. For the first part of class we went over
Christianity the largest religion in the world with billions of people. The
largest denomination is Catholics and the religion are Abrahamic in origin. The
next is protestant's which were created when the martin Luther said that the
Catholics were bad and created his own subdivision of Christianity. The second
biggest religion is Islam where most of their followers are in the middle east
and northern Africa. Islam has a whole month where they don't eat sunup to sundown
which I think would be very difficult to complete. Islam follows a set of rules
called the five pillars. The next is Hinduism which is a religion and also not
a religion because it is not formal like the previous two. Hinduism has no gods
which is another reason it is not considered a religion like the previous two.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Day 39- Reveiwing the Test
Today we reviewed the test that we took yesterday. The grade I got was very good with a percentage of 95 which I know will keep my grade up. The first part of the test was easy like I said in the post from the other day. The part of the test that had the population pyramids was in the middle for difficulty because some of them mainly the japan population pyramid which was confusing to me because I don't know what Mexico's population pyramid looked like. For that question I thought it could be Mexico because I thought japan had a wider top to the population pyramid. The part on like how I said yesterday should have been more exact or should have been a trick question. The last question that I got wrong was the one on industrialization which is what I am going to need to study for the final exam so I can keep my grade up
Day 38- Population Test
Today in class we tool the population test. I think the test was easy so I think I might have gotten a A. THe first part of the test was in my opinion easy because it was on what we went over in class. The part on population pyramids was easy because we went over it multiple times. THe part on the cia world fact books web address you should have made it very exact like so it would be harder for people who don't pay attention. I just checked my grade for the test and I'm very happy with the grade I got. The test was also very good because of how much it is worth so it should keep my grade high. The final part of the test in my opinion was also difficult so I think that is where I got some points off. I'm hoping the review tomorrow will go well so I have a good starting point for the exam.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Day 37- The final project
Today the final group resented their project on Somalia and japan. Their presentation was very good. Their presentation was the longest in my opinion because they had a whole plan to help Somalia. Their first plan was to stop corruption an get rid of the bad people. Their next step was to get good people into the government. After that they were going to do was fix the military to get corrupt people out. after that the next step is trying to get corrupt people out. Japan problem was its population. Their population will continue to decrease if they don't stop it by increasing the immigration or reproduction. At the end of class some people talked about ways to stop overpopulation. Someone started talking about eating babies would stop and I guess there not wrong physically but wrong morally. I really think that it would be a bad idea and would mostly do more harm than good.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Day 36- presenting the power point
Today in class we presented the power points from the last few days. Our group went first and the presentation went well. After us went the group that did Cuba. after that was the group was Russia. Our groups presentation I think was very good because of the amount of information on what we had and the solutions that we put forward. The problems for America I think we provided good solutions. For Afghanistan the education idea I think would work in stabilizing the country, The group on Cuba did have some good information on what can be done to make Cuba better such as getting oil from Venezuela but I think another thing that can be done is gaining more allies with other country.. For the presentation on Italy I didn't know that Italy's GDP was so bad and other thing like how it is almost impossible to get out of their debt and how long it takes to go to court.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Day 35- Finishing the Project PT2
Today in class we finished the project. The main things that needed to be finished were who was going to say what and fishing the solutions. The parts for solutions that needed to be finished were the American solutions. I don't have enough words for what we did so I am going to write about is the new checkra1n jailbreak that allows for an iPhone 5 to iPhone X jailbreak which is the first jailbreak in ten years to use a bootrom exploit which is the lowest level and is not able to be patched to it will last forever so I am waiting to try it out soon because I am using one called unc0ver which is already amazing but I'm stuck on iOS 12.4. It also affects apple TVs which I funny because its just a tv and you can put on it a lot of emulators.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Day 34- Finishing the project
Today in class we finished the country project. The united states was a main point of trying to find what to do for but this is what I got. The thing I think needs to be fixed the
fastest is its terrorism problem. Afghanistan has a lot of groups that are
trying to oppose the government. Afghanistan also has a big problem in education. The literacy rate is about 405 which is very low and even lower for women at only 24% which would need to change for that country. The United States is a country with not much wrong
with it except that it has a high amount of drug use. The drug use in the
united states is very high and it is trafficked through Mexico, Columbia and
other nations. Another thing that is not bad but could be better is unemployment
rate because it is kind of low and can and can be improved.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Day 33- Starting Country Project.
Today in
class we started the country project. The project is on fixing country's
problems. The country's that my group chose were the united states and
Afghanistan. The things that were wrong with Afghanistan were bad. There were
problems with the population distribution, economy, government, literacy,
location and much more. The second biggest thing for Afghanistan is its
literacy rate and education. The thing I think is what needs to be fixed the
fastest is its terrorism problem. Afghanistan has a lot of groups that are
trying to oppose the government. The United States is a country with not much wrong
with it except that it has a high amount of drug use. The drug use in the
united states is very high and it is trafficked through Mexico, Columbia and
other nations. Another thing that is not bad but could be better is unemployment
rate because it is kind of low and can and can be improved
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Day 32- Reviewing for Semester Exam
Today in class we went over the questions on the last semester exam. The last semester exam questions were easy because we already reviewed them in class already this year.. If the Exam for our semester should be easy and should be I should be able to pass of my grades on previous tests and knowing what I got wrong so I can study easier. The test is in December which I thought it was in November. During class you asked us questions on the exam we answered them. The main reason I think everyone is tired is because if I get 4 hours or 15 I feel fine but if I get about 9 or 10 than I am so tired I don't want to even move which is what I think a lot of people now have.. So for that reason I think that is why everyone is tired.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Day 31- Population pyramids work

Makua's population will probably be the same. The actual answer is that the population will go down because the birth rate .95.
Part 1
One thing that I found out is that Antarctica isn't owned by anyone but the united states says that it holds the right to claim it. The united states is saying that if any one else wants to take Antarctica they will to. If two countries are both owners of the land then they will most likely go to war.
The second thing I learned was that the world for some reason is importing more oil than is being exported so where did it come from. That figure is very important when talking about how many oil barrels are being imported and exported. The next thing this is good for is putting in perspective how many barrels we use a year.
The third thing I found was that Cuba a country that you would think isn't very good has the highest GDP spending on education. This is meant to show you that some country's have really good and really bad things. This also shows that other countries that are high up are not looked at as good countries.
The forth thing that I found was that only three countries don't use any fossil fuels. since only three don't use any than that means that most use fossil fuels. The median fossil fuel usage is about 70% which is a lot. Of these over 200 countries 22 use all fossil fuels. The united states is average at 70% which is high.
The last thing I learned is the difference of population in the top three countries. The united states of a population of about 300 million people is about a billion off from India the closest to us in second. The population difference is way to big and can only be changed by their own countries. This connects to our class because of the population growth of 2.1 has to be high for all of these countries to be this big
Friday, November 1, 2019
Day 30- 200 Years of History Quiz
Today we took the quiz on the two hundred years of history. The video is about the time frame from 1810 to 2009 and health with wealth. The health of the country is determined by the life expectancy. The wealth of a country is measured in gross domestic product per capita. The graph in the video showed a small increase until the nineteen fifty's when both life expectancy and the GDP per capita went up very quick. To the narrator in the video the Congo is the worst country to live in because of its low GDP per capita and its low life expectancy. The narrator also said that Luxemburg is the best country because it is health and wealthy. The graph showed two times when the life expectancy went down very fast and they were the Spanish flu and the first world war. The average life expectancy in eighteen ten was forty which is very low compared to the life expectancy today.
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Day 29- Showing Population Pyramids
Today we watched the YouTube video of Hans Rosling showing two hundred years of history of the world. The video showed a graph of all of the country's in the world put on a graph of income and lifespan. Hans Goslings is a scientist who studies global health. In the beginning of the video The UK and the Netherlands were the best off. After the industrial revolution the European country's and American country's were living longer and making more. At about 1910 the first world war and the Spanish flue brought down the population and income of the world. World war two affected some country very hard for and some even down below 25 average lifespan. In the time span of 1960s to 2000s most countries started making great gains in both income and lifespan. China was separated at the end to make different areas which range from about Italy to Ghana to show the difference in countries.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Day 28- Population Pyramid
Today in class we learned about the population pyramids. Population pyramids are used to judge how man people are in each age group. The population pyramid is separated by five years for each category or section. The population pyramid is also divided into three sections pre reproductive and reproductive and post reproductive ages. The population pyramid can be used multiple ways to judge the future population of a country. A lower age group with a low population usually means that the population is going to go down. countries that look like a triangle are likely to go up and the steeper the quicker the growth. The population pyramid can also be used to judge what economic state a country is in such as country's with fast growing populations are becoming industrialized. Another thing that can be seen in population pyramids is wars because you can see a vast difference between women and men.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Day 27- Going Over the Test
Today we went over the test that we took last class about migration a population. The test looking back at it was on the easier side of the test spectrum but I'm happy with the grade I got. Looking over the test I cant believe I wrote a five instead of a two on the CIA factbook section because I don't know if I read it wrong or if I just didn't think about it. The CIA section for the first few were easy but the one on north America I couldn't find so I'm glad I got it right The bonus question that I thought I got wrong I got wrong. I caught the error that I made where I put down that the net migration rate of earth was one instead of the correct answer of zero because no one has left the earth. The regular questions such as the highest birth rate were difficult at first until I thought it out.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Day 26- Migration Test
Today in class we took the migration and population test. The test started out with the FBI government website and it was ten questions and all could be found using the website. The First part was mainly just finding the information on countries like birth rate, literacy rate and other things. Some which for some like the world population in north America I couldn't find so I made a guess of about eight percent because not counting central America the population should be about ten percent or less. The part I was confused about was there were two questions on the second page that seemed like the same thing and there was no answer so I guessed. The extra questions I think I got the first one correct but the second one I think I got wrong. The regular questions that did not use the FBI website were easy but since I saying that I probably didn't do well.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Day 25- Review for test
Today in class we went over the power point and looked at the next test. The first thing was the two great American maps that were drew before you got to class. After that we went over the power point on population and migration. Population has increased very quickly in the past few years. The population has increased at a rate of one billion people per twelve years. The population on earth is seven billion six hundred thousand people an is still climbing. The population increase is mainly due to developing countries having a birth rate of about six children per mother. Japan is a country with a lot of older people and a negative birth rate. Japan is going down and not gaining many immigrants which will leave them with a very low population. After reviewing the power point we then looked at and looked at countries that we had questions about.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Day 24- Checking CIA World Fact Book
Today in
class we checked our CIA world factbook blog. The first question on the
populations was as expected China and India. For the second question I was
surprised that Japans birth rate is going down. The fourth question on French
religion was not accurate because France can't collect data on their citizens.
I was surprised that eighty two percent of Mexicans are roman Catholics which I
thought would be lower. I was surprised that Luxembourg has a Gross domestic
product of one hundred and two thousand dollars per year which is very high.
The literacy rate in Afghanistan was very low but I expected it to be a little
lower. For some countries they don't import any oil which for some are expected
while other I don't think have many oil fields. I didn't know that the united
states have the highest amount of national debt compared to any other country.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Day 23- cia world factbook
- gWhat is the population of China, and of India?1,384,688,986, 1,296,834,042
What is the Total Fertility Rate in Japan?
What is the death rate in El Salvador?
What percentage of the French identify “none” as their religion? Is this statistic verifiable, and why?
What percentage of Mexicans identify themselves as Roman Catholic?
What is the GDP - per capita (PPP) in the United States?
What is the GDP - per capita (PPP) in Nigeria?
What is the GDP - per capita (PPP) in Luxembourg?
What percentage of the United States’ population are Internet users?
What is the number of airports in Russia, and in the United States?
How many people in the world do not have electricity 1.201 billion- What is the Infant Mortality Rate in Canada, Cuba, and the United States?
- 4.5 deaths/1,000 live births, 4.4 deaths/1,000 live births, 5.7 deaths/1,000 live births38.2%
What is the literacy rate - total, for men, and for women - in Afghanistan?
What three countries have the highest life expectancy?
What three countries have the lowest life expectancy?
What nation has the sixteenth highest Net Migration Rate?
What is the unemployment rate in Vietnam, South Korea, the United States, India and Kenya?
Military Expenditures are listed by the percentage of each nation's GDP spent on defense.
What percentage is spent by Germany, China, and the United States?
1.24% of GDP, 1.87% of GDP, 3.16% of GDP
1.24% of GDP, 1.87% of GDP, 3.16% of GDP
19. What three countries produce the most crude oil, and how much do they produce?
Saudi arabia, Russia, Iraq. 14bbl
Saudi arabia, Russia, Iraq. 14bbl
20. What three countries import the most crude oil, and how much do they import?
united states, china, India 18.5 bbl/day
united states, china, India 18.5 bbl/day
21. What percentage of the world’s people speak Spanish? Chinese? English
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Day 22- Crude poplation rates
Today in
class we learned about birth rates and death rates. The birth rates are found
by using crude birth rates. A crude birth rate is how many births per one
thousand people. Crude death rates are the same thing for how they are
measured. The crude death rate is subtracted from the crude birth rate to give
you the natural population increase or decrease. Most countries have positive rates,
but some don't such as Italy where the rate is negative and going down. The united
states of America have a lesser value
than Canada which has a rate of 5. Migration is also a factor in determining population
change. When some migrates to another country, they are both an emigrant and an
immigrant. The final thing we learned in class was that the one child rule that
was in china was appealed which I thought was still being used
Friday, October 11, 2019
Day 21 - Review Last test
today in class we
reviewed our last test and saw what we got wrong. Before we got started correcting
answers all the seniors went running in the hallways. I got a way lower grade
than I was expecting. The test seemed easy and everything I thought I knew. The
question that I thought was upsetting was when I wrote prime parallel instead
of Prime Meridian. The trick question with 93 degrease was the one I thought I
had but I didn't even think about it. The best part about the test was the part
about mount Everest. The part about mount Everest I thought could be both exact
and relative because the peak is not one specific area and can be called the
top of it, but it can also be called the very top point. Later in the day I
found out that people using tape to "tag" people is not allowed and will
be banned next year but I wish it wasn't.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Day 20- Population and Human Settlement
Today in class we learned about human settlement and population. The earth contains roughly 7.6 billion people and is increasing at about 1 child per 8 seconds. The amount of deaths that happen on earth have increased but also increased in time. Some one dies about every 8 seconds some where in the world. The amount of people that live on earth ahs increased at a very fast rate since about the start of the nineteen hundreds. The life expectancy has increased over time but it has grown fast recently. The average life expectancy in the united states is about 76 while in places like Monaco can go above 90 years of age. The growth in population has taken place in mostly 3rd world countries from statistics. Since the life expectancy has increased and the amount of people born has increased then the population will keep on going at exponentially until Earth reaches a limit with its natural resources. Once the Earth cannot support the population anymore than there will be a very fast downfall in population until There are enough resources for everyone again.
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Day 19- Second Test
Today we took our second test that was on how geographer describe locations . I think I did ok on the test. I think I did well on stuff like the equator, prime meridian and the Tropics. The questions I think I did the worst on were the ones on absolute and relative locations. If my grade was bad I will study next time but I didn't because I knew most of it. I don't know if the peak of mount Everest is a relative or exact location so I hope I got it right. The question with the answer in the negative almost trick me but I caught it when I double checked. I was happy that there were no short answer questions or essays. This next part has nothing to do with human geo but I found these tablets I guess you can call them that and you put them in water and it makes it taste like Gatorade but it makes ten 16oz bottles for like 1-2 dollars which is cheaper then 1 Gatorade bottle.
Monday, October 7, 2019
Day 18- Reveiwing for the Test
Today we went over the power point and reviewed for the test tomorrow. The test tomorrow from what we've been told it has multiple choice and short answer with no essay questions. Most people don't like essay questions but I don't mind essays. The good reasons for essays is they are usually worth more points and are on what we learned the most so it is generally easier than other things. The reason they are bad is because they take up a lot of time and if you don't know the answer it is a huge loss of points and a waste of time. The multiple choice questions should be easy because since they are what were on the PowerPoint so it will be easy to determine the right answer. During the review You pointed out a few test questions which really helps people so if they study just a little they have a few answers they should get right.
Thursday, October 3, 2019
Day 17- POP Quiz
Today we
took a pop quiz on maps and time zones. The beginning of class we were
reviewing for a future test. We learned that charte is French for map. After we
were done with our reviewing, we started a timed pop quiz. The quiz was ten
questions long and was almost Kahoot with extra steps. The test had one
question on it that was on time zones in Maryland and Chicago. The question was
if it is ten fifteen in Maryland than what time is it in Chicago. The answer
was nine fifteen and I said eleven fifteen which was my only wrong answer. One
question on the test was about Greenwich mean time. The question was how it is measured,
and the answer was 15 degrees longitude. After the test we reviewed our answers
and I wasn't surprised I got a ninety because I wasn't paying much attention
while we were reviewing.
Wednesday, October 2, 2019
Day 16- Test Questions
1.) What is the area that the prime meridian goes through?
a. Tokyo Japan
b. Athens Rome
c Greenwich England
d. Baltimore Maryland
2.) True or false, Meridians never intersect each other.
3.) What is smaller than one degree on a globe
a. Mile
b. Minute
c. Kilometer
d. Micro-degree
4.) What is the middle of the geographic earth
a. Tropic of Cancer
b. Tropic of Capricorn
c. The Core
d. The Equator
5.) True or False, It is easier to walk around the Antarctic circle than the equator.
6.) What is the northern tropic
a. Tropic of Cancer
b. Tropic of Capricorn
c. Tropic of Leo
d. Tropic of North Africa
7.) How many degrees are in each time zone
a. 360
b. 50
c. 25
d. 15
8.) What is the scientific name for someone that draws maps.
a. Geographer
b. Cartographer
c. Urtographer
d. Kaptographer
9.) What is the latitude of the north pole
a. 0
10.) BONUS Question, What country is on the same latitude as Maryland.
____________________(NORTH KOREA)
a. Tokyo Japan
b. Athens Rome
c Greenwich England
d. Baltimore Maryland
2.) True or false, Meridians never intersect each other.
3.) What is smaller than one degree on a globe
a. Mile
b. Minute
c. Kilometer
d. Micro-degree
4.) What is the middle of the geographic earth
a. Tropic of Cancer
b. Tropic of Capricorn
c. The Core
d. The Equator
5.) True or False, It is easier to walk around the Antarctic circle than the equator.
6.) What is the northern tropic
a. Tropic of Cancer
b. Tropic of Capricorn
c. Tropic of Leo
d. Tropic of North Africa
7.) How many degrees are in each time zone
a. 360
b. 50
c. 25
d. 15
8.) What is the scientific name for someone that draws maps.
a. Geographer
b. Cartographer
c. Urtographer
d. Kaptographer
9.) What is the latitude of the north pole
a. 0
10.) BONUS Question, What country is on the same latitude as Maryland.
____________________(NORTH KOREA)
Tuesday, October 1, 2019
Day 15- Meridians
Today in class we took the test on north and south America. During the test I found that north America was harder because of all of the countries in the lower part were so close together. South America was the easiest of the two because the countries all looked different form each other. After the test we talked about meridians. Meridian or also known as longitude lines are for measuring how far you are away from the equator. Meridians also what create the rough shape of time zones. Time zones are different in different places and don't go straight down but goes around countries and cities to make life easier. Time zones are on average 15 degree because the globe is 360 and 360/24= 15 giving us 24 hours and 15 degrees on average per hour. The time zones are set up from Greenwich which is set as time 0. UMT is about the same as GMT but was created 300 years earlier.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Day 14- Exact Locations and Relative locations
Today in
class we learned about finding exact locations and relative locations. The
first thing we learned about was Lat and Long which is very useful for finding
a location. Latitude lines go horizontally, and longitude goes vertically. The
reason that it is so useful is because anywhere in the world can be found by
using las long because it relies on the latitude and longitude lines to tell
you the exact location of something. The next thing we learned about were
parallels which are the horizontal lines that go around the globe and never
stops. The way that parallels are said as the seventy eighth parallels the
equator is the most center parallel and goes around the earth and has the
parallel of 0. The prime meridian is the line that mark is on 0 longitude and
goes through Greenland. Meridians are the lines of longitude and they also help
create time zones. The original time zones were created back in 1884 and set
the universal.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Day 13-Situations and locations
in class we learned about situations and describing locations. A situation is
how geographers describe locations based off other locations. An example of
this is describing the area of bel-air. Belair can be described and located by
saying the locations around it such as how far it is away from Baltimore.
Another way Belair can be described is by saying that it is in Maryland and in
Harford county which is used to tell the general area like the last one with Baltimore.
The next thing we learned was the main reason why Chicago is so big and has a
huge population is because early in the united states it was the farthest
inland that you can go by boat. The reason that was so important was because of
the very good farmland around it. Chicago was the entrance to the west because
a lot of railroads were built to make it easier to move food and other
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Day 12-Geographers and locations
Today in class we learned about how geographers describe where locations are. Geographers can describe a location by its site. A site describes the physical characteristics of a location or region. Important characteristics of a site are climate, topography, water source, soil condition, vegetation, Lat and Long and finally elevation just to name a few. A wide variety of features make a place distinctive from other areas. Maryland and North Korea have the same latitude but different climate, topography, Sites that are near the water usually have larger populations than ones away from water because most areas were settled before fast ways of transportation because water is essential in many ways including drinking sanitation and trade. Humans can modify characteristics of a sight on purpose or not on purpose. We learned that the new parts of Manhattan doubled in size from 1626 to today. The double in size in the early days was done by sinking ships and covering them with trash from the original Manhattan area.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Day 10- test reveiw
Today in class we talked about what was on the test and what the answers where. For the first part of the test with multiple choice I got all of them right. The last question for multiple choice was one about stenographers and I forgot what it is was called on how they write so I went with what I thought was the best answer and it turned out to be right. The fill in the blank questions were very easy but for one of them I don't know why I wrote the answer it said I couldn't use which looking back was very dumb and I should have double checked it. The bonus question was what I thought it was, but I guessed wrong and forgot to go back and put in a guess. The essay questions were on what I saw on the day before the test when you put the questions on the board, and I studied them so I’m glad they didn't change
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Day 9- Mercator and Peters projection maps
Mercator maps are what people see as normal maps. The Mercator map was created in 1569 is was created in Europe to help sailors find their way around the world easier but is still used today by sailors for its characteristics of equal Lat Long. The main reason that people use them is because they are easy to read because the latitude and longitude lines are equal on Mercator maps. Mercator maps are not accurate from how it really looks because it is smaller in the center and makes areas on the north and south bigger but makes Africa and middle American countries smaller. The next thing about Mercator maps is how many people use them. Many big corporations such as Google, Bing, yahoo, apple and more use the Mercator map for their services. The Peters projection map was made to show what the world really looked like and not distort the image like the mercator map. The Peters projection map was created in 1987 to challeng hte mercator The Peters projection map to a lot of people looks wrong and streached because people are used to the mercator map not what the world actually looks like. The Peters projection map is one of the only maps that is not distorted like mercator.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Day 8- Maps
Today in class we talked about maps. At the beginning of class, we talked about a map that was upside down and what we thought about it. Some people said that the map was upside down and he said that it could be orientated whatever way because there is no "top of the map". The next thing that we did was take notes on different maps such as a map of America, the world as a map view and a what it looked like. The map that everyone thinks is normal and correct is false and created for sailing back a long time ago. The second map looked stretch and distorted but we found out that that is what the world looks like and I found that very strange because I thought that Greenland was a huge country like the size of Africa but that wasn't the truth. The map that was distorted was what is what it looks like from space which I found puzzling compared to everything that I've seen in the past in school and in general. The final thing was that the original map was designed to make Europe look bigger than 3rd world country’s such as Africa.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Day 7-Test
Today the
test was not very long and didn't take up too much time. Some of my preparation
questions that I posted last night were on the test, so it helped when trying
to study in the small amount of time I had. The last thing that was on the test
was the bonus question which on the test I forgot the name of the mountain but
described what I thought was the answer. The next thing that was on the test
were questions about the message of Garcia such as a question on who wrote the
story/essay. On the test there was a question about who took the message to
Garcia which wasn't that difficult because the other names I didn't hear before
in the class. The next thing that was on the test was who killed President Mc.
Kinley. The person that killed him was an anarchist or someone that doesn't
believe in laws or authority. The final question on the test was for what would I do if i was in the jury in socrate's trial which i would have voted him to be inocent.
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Day 6- Test Preparation
Today in
class we talked about what was going to be on the test.
During the test tomorrow it will
include 2 essays, a few fill in the blank and multiple choice questions.
* multiple questions about 1899 and
a message to Garcia both multiple choice and fill in the blank
*Critical thinking
*A question about perihelion
*What it means to be called an
idiot in Greek
*President McKinley was assassinated
by an anarchist
*no questions about arete
*the reaction to the poison
Socrates was given
* the trial of Socrates
*results of Socrates trial
*who delivered the message to Garcia
*what is
important about 508 BC
early life and him being a stonemason
*that McKinley
mountain was named after president and is the tallest mountain
will count in the essay and fill in the blank
*What happened
during the trial and death of Socrates is an essay question
questions about initiative
*what Socrates
was charged for and sentence
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Day 5- Socrates
Today we learned about the philosopher Socrates and what
happened to him. The first thing we went over was what he did in his early
life. In his early life he grew up as a stonemason and later fought in the
Peloponnesian war. Before he was an adult the revolt had already happened, and
the Athenians created democracy. Once he was an adult, he started to question
things such as if the sun was pulled by a god or something else. After he
started questioning things, he started talking to children about what they thought
and trying to get them to think for themselves. By this time, he created
western philosophy and was questioning himself. Soon he started getting a
lot of attention for his questing of some of the Greek gods. He was arrested
and put on trial for not worshiping things the government wanted people to
worship. During the trial it was proposed that he should receive the death
penalty. Socrates in response to this said he should be rewarded for helping
the kids learn and to question things. After the trial there was a vote of five
hundred people which resulted 280 guilty to 220 innocent. He was sentenced to
death which was carried out using poison. Once he was going down to the jail
people had set out to help him escape but he refused and took the poison saying
that he believes in the democracy and running would undermine the democracy. He
died an hour later after the poison was taken.
Monday, September 9, 2019
Day 4- Mini Research
508 bc-Set the foundations for the democracy in Athens Greece. Established the
first democracy in Athens. Replaced the tyrannical government that proceeded
the democracy
Polis-translated to a city-state.
The main structure of a community. There were about 1000 at the peak of Greece.
The Biggest polis in Greece was Sparta. Each polis is about the same as a state
in the United States
Agora- The main market place in a
city state. It is usually located in the middle of a city state surrounded by
government buildings. Three officials insured that people had fair trade.
Socrates- He was the first person
to really start being a philosopher and started founders of Western philosophy. He was the first to
start moral philosophy. He has no records and there are no writings from him
only accounts from other people
Socrates death- Socrates was found guilty of not praying gods of Greece. After he was found guilty he was ordered to death. He was locked in a jail and given a poisoned drink. Once he drank the poison he spoke his last words and died.
Socratic method- The method is cooperative arguments. The method is supposed to make it sound like you agree with what the other person is talking about while getting your point across.
What it means to be called an idiot- In Greece if you were called an idiot you were someone who didn't participate in politics and is very selfish. They are also described as people who do not participate in their city-state to make it better.
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