Makua's population will probably be the same. The actual answer is that the population will go down because the birth rate .95.
Part 1
One thing that I found out is that Antarctica isn't owned by anyone but the united states says that it holds the right to claim it. The united states is saying that if any one else wants to take Antarctica they will to. If two countries are both owners of the land then they will most likely go to war.
The second thing I learned was that the world for some reason is importing more oil than is being exported so where did it come from. That figure is very important when talking about how many oil barrels are being imported and exported. The next thing this is good for is putting in perspective how many barrels we use a year.
The third thing I found was that Cuba a country that you would think isn't very good has the highest GDP spending on education. This is meant to show you that some country's have really good and really bad things. This also shows that other countries that are high up are not looked at as good countries.
The forth thing that I found was that only three countries don't use any fossil fuels. since only three don't use any than that means that most use fossil fuels. The median fossil fuel usage is about 70% which is a lot. Of these over 200 countries 22 use all fossil fuels. The united states is average at 70% which is high.
The last thing I learned is the difference of population in the top three countries. The united states of a population of about 300 million people is about a billion off from India the closest to us in second. The population difference is way to big and can only be changed by their own countries. This connects to our class because of the population growth of 2.1 has to be high for all of these countries to be this big
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