Monday, September 9, 2019

Day 4- Mini Research

508 bc-Set the foundations for the democracy in Athens Greece. Established the first democracy in Athens. Replaced the tyrannical government that proceeded the democracy

Polis-translated to a city-state. The main structure of a community. There were about 1000 at the peak of Greece. The Biggest polis in Greece was Sparta. Each polis is about the same as a state in the United States

Agora- The main market place in a city state. It is usually located in the middle of a city state surrounded by government buildings. Three officials insured that people had fair trade.

Socrates- He was the first person to really start being a philosopher and started founders of Western philosophy. He was the first to start moral philosophy. He has no records and there are no writings from him only accounts from other people

Socrates death- Socrates was found guilty of not praying gods of Greece. After he was found guilty he was ordered to death. He was locked in a jail and given a poisoned drink. Once he drank the poison he spoke his last words and died.

Socratic method- The method is cooperative arguments. The method is supposed to make it sound like you agree with what the other person is talking about while getting your point across.

What it means to be called an idiot- In Greece if you were called an idiot you were someone who didn't participate in politics and is very selfish. They are also described as people who do not participate in their city-state to make it better.

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