Thursday, September 5, 2019

Day 2- Highschool Time

Today in class we talked about the amount of time is taken up in high school. The first part about high school that takes away time is I live around 45 minutes from school which is an inconvenience. The next thing I am going to talk about is sports. The sport I am playing now is football which starts at 3:15 and goes until 6:00. Which adding getting home I usually get home at 7:00 and don't start homework until 8:00 which can go over an hour can go into the night. After all of that I need to get up at 6 to get my little brother on the bus so at maximum I only get 9 hours of sleep. What My school day now compared to middle school is a lot more frantic than middle. In middle I would wake up at around the same time but school ends at 2:00. The difference in time was in middle school practice starts at 6:00 giving me 4 hours before practice and more time during the day. The final part that will take up the most amount of time is makeup work after a football game which will just add to what I already have taking away more sleep then what everything else takes away.

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