Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Day 1- First Day of School

To start out my first post I am going to write about the good things about the first day at school. The first great part of the day is walking in the front door and seeing the security guard who I think is one of the most important factors in the school’s protection. The security guard puts a good feeling in my mind knowing that the school is protected from any one that would want to do harm to anyone in the school. Another great thing were the room numbers and the way that they tell you what floor and side of the hallway your class is on. This really helps for the first few weeks and for new classroom assignments. I found very helpful the free periods which are going to help a lot throughout the year. The biggest reason that the free periods help is that with doing sports most homework is going to be started after eight which drags into the night. The next great thing about the first day of school is the five minutes to get to every class which compared to middle schools 4 minutes which is a lot of pressure taken off me, so I do not need to rush from class to class. Now to the things I didn't like about my first day. The first day seemed very rushed compared to normal and I didn't get to learn much about every class. The next thing I didn't like about my first day were the time restrictions of where we could and could not be such as we are not allowed in the academic wing during lunch. The next thing I didn't like were the size of the lockers. The lockers are way too small for everything I have. I could just barely fit my backpack and some books, let alone a lunchbox. The final thing I didn't like about the first day were the time differences in the clocks.  Some said I had two minutes until I was late, while others said I was late. It was very confusing determining if I was late or not. The next thing I am going to talk about is the seating for the class. Where I am sitting now in the front row, I feel being my height would hinder the people behind me from seeing the screen

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