Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Day 5- Socrates

Today we learned about the philosopher Socrates and what happened to him. The first thing we went over was what he did in his early life. In his early life he grew up as a stonemason and later fought in the Peloponnesian war. Before he was an adult the revolt had already happened, and the Athenians created democracy. Once he was an adult, he started to question things such as if the sun was pulled by a god or something else. After he started questioning things, he started talking to children about what they thought and trying to get them to think for themselves. By this time, he created western philosophy and was questioning himself. Soon he started getting a lot of attention for his questing of some of the Greek gods. He was arrested and put on trial for not worshiping things the government wanted people to worship. During the trial it was proposed that he should receive the death penalty. Socrates in response to this said he should be rewarded for helping the kids learn and to question things. After the trial there was a vote of five hundred people which resulted 280 guilty to 220 innocent. He was sentenced to death which was carried out using poison. Once he was going down to the jail people had set out to help him escape but he refused and took the poison saying that he believes in the democracy and running would undermine the democracy. He died an hour later after the poison was taken.

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