Friday, October 11, 2019

Day 21 - Review Last test

today in class we reviewed our last test and saw what we got wrong. Before we got started correcting answers all the seniors went running in the hallways. I got a way lower grade than I was expecting. The test seemed easy and everything I thought I knew. The question that I thought was upsetting was when I wrote prime parallel instead of Prime Meridian. The trick question with 93 degrease was the one I thought I had but I didn't even think about it. The best part about the test was the part about mount Everest. The part about mount Everest I thought could be both exact and relative because the peak is not one specific area and can be called the top of it, but it can also be called the very top point. Later in the day I found out that people using tape to "tag" people is not allowed and will be banned next year but I wish it wasn't.

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