Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Day 16- Test Questions

1.) What is the area that the prime meridian goes through?

a. Tokyo Japan
b. Athens Rome
c  Greenwich England
d. Baltimore Maryland

2.) True or false, Meridians never intersect each other.


3.) What is smaller than one degree on a globe

a. Mile
b. Minute
c. Kilometer
d. Micro-degree

4.) What is the middle of the geographic earth

a. Tropic of Cancer
b. Tropic of Capricorn
c. The Core
d. The Equator

5.) True or False, It is easier to walk around the Antarctic circle than the equator.


6.) What is the northern tropic

a. Tropic of Cancer 
b. Tropic of Capricorn
c. Tropic of Leo
d. Tropic of North Africa

7.) How many degrees are in each time zone

a. 360
b. 50
c. 25
d. 15

8.) What is the scientific name for someone that draws maps.

a. Geographer
b. Cartographer
c. Urtographer
d. Kaptographer

9.) What is the latitude of the north pole

a. 0

10.) BONUS Question, What country is on the same latitude as Maryland.

____________________(NORTH KOREA)

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