Thursday, June 4, 2020
Letter to future self
This year has been one for the history book. This school year started with rare events and ended with rare events. This 2020 has been overall a good year so far for me but its not me who is affected by the things happening right now. Covid-19 mainly affects the elderly which now I am everything but elderly. In this year so far we have lost almost 400,000 people who most likely would still be here. There is still more happening this year that has been drowned out by the virus such as North Korea is starting missile tests again, Russia is now almost a dictator ship, NASA found evidence of a parallel universe but it is not confirmed yet. As i am typing this there are peaceful protest and riots around the world from the US to England about the death of George Floyed. In all this year has had more and more things happen each month and it seems to be getting worse by the day. I hope that in the near future everything goes back to normal but it will be you that can tell what really happened this year. I just have a few questions for the future. How fast has technology increased? Is it faster or slower than the 1900s or earlier 2000s or did it get faster? What is the economic state of the world? How did we recover from this year? How long is 2020s chapter in the history text book?What ever the answers are I hope it is better than now. Have there been any other pandemics since Covid-19. What ever the answer is I hope it gets better. I hope you remember this year for the good that happened rather than the bad. If i am reading this the future got better than 2020
Friday, May 29, 2020
Day 50- Emperors
After the murder of Julius Caesar this grandnephew and adopted son takes control at 18. Octavian and mark become rivals. Mark partners up with Cleopatra sharing power. Octavian defeats them at the battle of Actium. Octavian becomes unchallenged ruler of Rome and is presented with the honorific Augustus. He was also given the title imperator now emperor. Rome has now become an empire. He ruled for 40 years. He started Pax Romana which lasted 207 years. His accomplishments were expanded into Africa, build road network, collected taxes, established postal service, increased grain supply, built public buildings, set up police, fire fighters started. He died of natural causes. Now after Octavians death power was passed down to emperors. Some were good some bad some awful. Tiberius ruled from 14 AD to 37 AD and was a good general but bad leader. After his son died he went into exile and died at 77. Caligula ruled for four years because he one a power cycle after Tiberius' death. He was an insane tyrant and was assassinated. After the Assassination a group tried to remake the republic but it didn't work. Next is Cladius who ruled from 41-54 AD and was a fair ruler but possibly had cerebral palsy. Died by poisoning from his wife who wanted her sin in power. Nero ruled from 54-68 AD and wanted to rebuild Rome. He over spent of it and arts and raided temples for money. Historians don't like him
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Day 49- Caesar
I will be taking my test on June 2nd at 1:25- 2:15. The plebeians were poor and Juvenal said the only thing that would keep them happy and stop revolts would be to "give them bread and circuses". The bread being free bread from the government and the circus being entertainment like the Colosseum or parties. Generals let their soldiers share in what was taken from the area they were taking. Since the soldiers were sharing in the spoils they became loyal to their commanders and generals rather than Rome. The next leader in charge was Caesar who was a military general that conquered large amounts of area and was generally successful. Once he was a leader he helped the regular people happy along with people who were in high power. Caesar seized power and became a dictator. He made reforms to expand senate, increase solider pay, started colonies, granted citizenship. He was assassinated because of how he seized power and was stabbed before entering the senate. He was also stabbed by one of his close friends Brutus. This is the end of the republic
Monday, May 18, 2020
Day 48- 160-165
As Rome was growing it was causing a wider gap in poverty to where the poor were getting poorer. The two brothers tried to help the poor and proposed to limit the size of estates and giving land to the poor. The brothers made enemies with numerous senators who felt threatened by them. The brothers died during a civil war. Caesar too over in a military take over. The three who took over became the three rulers of Rome. He was a great military strategist and a good leader who followed the rules for a consul. Caesar went to take over Gaul and he was ordered to come back. He took his troops to Rome and defeated Pompey army. Caesar took over the government and became an absolute ruler but started different reforms such as increasing number of senator and created jobs for the poor. Fears grew about Caesar and he was killed. An empire followed after him which happened because of another civil war. A general went to live in Egypt which cause another civil war. Octavian came out as the leader of Rome and almost gave some parts of the republic back. Int the next 240 years there was Pax Romania that created peace in. The empire stood strong for a while because of giving jobs to the poor. There were good and bad emperors the bad being Caligula, Nero, Domitian and the good being Nerva, Trojan, Hadrian, Antoninus and Marcus Aurelius. Slaves were important to Rome and helped to build and support the empire. The emperors would become gods in Rome along with the regular gods. In this time the classes were getting further and further apart. Many building were created to take the peoples minds off of the mass control. New practices started up such as Christianity.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Day 47- Hannibal
Punic War Main Fighters-
Rome- Parts of Italy With Some Colonies
Carthage- Northern Africa
Roman Army- The roman army was made up of legions who were a group of 5,000 soldiers made up of cavalry and infantry.
First Punic War(264-241 BC)- Consisted of strategic naval battles for control of importantly located Sicily. Rome wins and gains control of Sicily.
Second Punic War(218-201 BC)- Main player in the war was Hannibal who was a 29 year old general who almost took Rome. He was a great strategist who attacked Rome from the north through Spain. He couldn't make it all of the way to Rome so he laid a siege for 15 years but couldn't complete the the victory of taking Rome. One of the things he is known fro is he took elephants into battle which scared Roman soldiers because they have never seen them before.
Third Punic War(149-146)- In this war Rome goes on the final push and takes Carthage. The people of Carthage are taken as slaves and Carthage was taken into a province of Rome.
Rome- Parts of Italy With Some Colonies
Carthage- Northern Africa
Roman Army- The roman army was made up of legions who were a group of 5,000 soldiers made up of cavalry and infantry.
First Punic War(264-241 BC)- Consisted of strategic naval battles for control of importantly located Sicily. Rome wins and gains control of Sicily.
Second Punic War(218-201 BC)- Main player in the war was Hannibal who was a 29 year old general who almost took Rome. He was a great strategist who attacked Rome from the north through Spain. He couldn't make it all of the way to Rome so he laid a siege for 15 years but couldn't complete the the victory of taking Rome. One of the things he is known fro is he took elephants into battle which scared Roman soldiers because they have never seen them before.
Third Punic War(149-146)- In this war Rome goes on the final push and takes Carthage. The people of Carthage are taken as slaves and Carthage was taken into a province of Rome.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Day 46- Two Topics
9-12: It started out with Tarquin seizing power and becoming a tyrant. His grandfather died and his widow Servius Tullias becomes the king of Rome. One of their daughter decides to kill her husband and her sister to marry Tarquin. Tullia after killing her sister and husband she convinces Tarquin to take the place of king from his father and after becoming king he throws him into the streets where he is assassinated. Tullia then hails Tarquin as the new king. Tarquin has Tullia sent back home and onn the way home she sees the body of her father and drivers her chariot over his body and they refuse to bury the body. His son tries to take advantage of Lucretia and she refuses and Sextus black mails her. Tarquin tried to cover it up but the common people rose up and kicked them out of Rome. The people were getting suspicious of when they would be the next ones killed or exiled. The people wanted to get away from them before he would come for the people. Because of him it stopped Tyrants in Rome for a while
13-22: The Roman system is what the USA is modeled after so it has many similarity such as the branches of government. The branches being executive, legislative and judicial The executive being the president in the united states and in Rome it is the two consoles. the legislative branch is the senate in Rome and USA but they differ in the house of representatives and assemblies. The judicial branch were the supreme court in the US and in Rome they had the praetors. They both also had a sort of bill of rights while was the twelve tables in Rome.
13-22: The Roman system is what the USA is modeled after so it has many similarity such as the branches of government. The branches being executive, legislative and judicial The executive being the president in the united states and in Rome it is the two consoles. the legislative branch is the senate in Rome and USA but they differ in the house of representatives and assemblies. The judicial branch were the supreme court in the US and in Rome they had the praetors. They both also had a sort of bill of rights while was the twelve tables in Rome.
Monday, May 11, 2020
Day 45- Study Guide
Who settled in Rome
Etruscan- More of artists and more focused on crafty type things
Greeks- Gave religious beliefs, alphabet, art and military strategy
Latin- they were first and set up a system for trading ships to could navigate to Rome but not war ships they also built on serve hills
Many streams flowed into the Tiber and was very marshy
Tarquin- final king of Rome, was a true tyrant
After Tarquin they didn't want anymore kings (long story)
The king is replaced with two councils of elected leaders
plebs were 90% of population and were discriminated against with bad laws
Res public- a new republic that incorporated monarchy, democracy and aristocracy
The USA used Rome as a template for government
They had the same three branches that were alike
largest roman army unit is legion
used shields, swords, daggers and Armour tunics
Punic wars were against Carthage
massive amounts of slaves entered Rome
The plebs are getting poorer
Soldiers started fighting for their military leader not Rome
Caesar was a great general who gained the support of the people
Caesar took over as a sort of dictator
increased the spending for the general people
After Caesar died it was generally the end of the republic
Octavian became the unchallenged leader of Rome
given title of imperator
Rome becomes empire not republic
after death power was passed to emperors
Etruscan- More of artists and more focused on crafty type things
Greeks- Gave religious beliefs, alphabet, art and military strategy
Latin- they were first and set up a system for trading ships to could navigate to Rome but not war ships they also built on serve hills
Many streams flowed into the Tiber and was very marshy
Tarquin- final king of Rome, was a true tyrant
After Tarquin they didn't want anymore kings (long story)
The king is replaced with two councils of elected leaders
plebs were 90% of population and were discriminated against with bad laws
Res public- a new republic that incorporated monarchy, democracy and aristocracy
The USA used Rome as a template for government
They had the same three branches that were alike
largest roman army unit is legion
used shields, swords, daggers and Armour tunics
Punic wars were against Carthage
massive amounts of slaves entered Rome
The plebs are getting poorer
Soldiers started fighting for their military leader not Rome
Caesar was a great general who gained the support of the people
Caesar took over as a sort of dictator
increased the spending for the general people
After Caesar died it was generally the end of the republic
Octavian became the unchallenged leader of Rome
given title of imperator
Rome becomes empire not republic
after death power was passed to emperors
Thursday, May 7, 2020
Day 44- Rome by Chi Cago
I woke up this morning and thought I was going to be learning about a leader or the system of the republic but no i woke up to a good song. I don't know what my reaction would be if i listened to this in school but i was 100% surprised listening to it online. It is really well put together and when i saw this i was thinking ugh it is probably just a few words replaced in a song but no this was actually the best song i have heard that a teacher make
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Day 43- The Twelve Tables
The twelve tables were written by plebeians to give them knowledge of laws because the courts have been run mainly by patricians. The laws were written down to protect the plebeians from the patricians abuse of power. Before the twelve tables were written the patricians often changed the laws to benefit them self and put the plebeians down.The twelve tables also let the people have a legal defense against other people mainly patricians.
Friday, May 1, 2020
Day 42- Roman Architecture

This is the temple of Jupiter. The temple which is now only six pillars is the largest temple built in Rome and survived in its second from for hundreds of years . These temples where designed as a place to worship roman gods. Its design resembles buildings from Greece in the ways of columns because of Greek architects leaving the slowing dying Greece to move to Rome. It wold have looked like other temples from this time period but it was destroyed by looters and war over the years.
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Day 41- Plebs vs Patricians
The plebs are commoners or free citizens. The patricians were a small group of ruling class people. The plebs are not people who rule like the patricians but they did elect the patricians. The plebeians also are not as wealthy as the patricians with the patricians almost being like millionaires today. in ancient Greece the plebeians would most likely be the metrics while the patricians would most likely be the aristocrats
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Day 40- Definitions
- Republic- a government that is run by officials elected by the people
- Patrician- The ruling class of ancient Rome
- Plebeian- the middle/regular class of the free roman citizens
- Tribune-elected officials that made decisions on behalf of the people
- Consul- one of the two chiefs of the roman republic
- Senate- an advisory and governing body of ancient Rome
- Dictator- someone who rules with full power of government
- Legion- largest military unit of the roman army
- Punic Wars- a series of three wars fought between Carthage and Rome
- Hannibal-Carthaginian general during the 2nd Punic wars who commanded the majority of the Carthaginian army
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Day 39- Essay
Oh my I said I would do Why were the Greeks so good at treating and see travel. For the essay it would consist of their naval superiority and their ability to sale around because of the geographical location. The first paragraph I will talk abou why were the Greeks so good at treating and see travel. For the essay it would consist of their naval superiority and their ability to sail around because of the geographical location. In the first body paragraph I would talk about why other geographic location set them up to be a more of treating people instead of foremost that stay in one location. The next paragraph would talk about there naval superiority because of treatment you are that hope they’re treating it with him further. It would also include why they call a nice areas. The third Body paragraph which consist of how they are colonization and geography cause them to be a great civilization that is remembered and studied in today’s time
Monday, April 20, 2020
Day 38- Test questions
What is the noble lie?
a Every one not the decedents of philosophers are inferior and unfit to rule
b*There is a mixture of iron,gold,silver and brass that determine roles in life
c No one is fit to be in power except for descendants of previous leaders
d Greeks are the best people and need to be the dominate Europe and Asia
What was Alexander the great's favorite animal he owned
b dog
c cat
d bull
Which plays were done the most at Athenian plays (select all that apply)
a* Comedy
c Epic
d Romance
Which leader was taught by Aristotle
a Genghis khan
b *Alexander The Great
c Charlemagne
d Constituent
True or False, Where pillars a main feature in Greek architecture
a Every one not the decedents of philosophers are inferior and unfit to rule
b*There is a mixture of iron,gold,silver and brass that determine roles in life
c No one is fit to be in power except for descendants of previous leaders
d Greeks are the best people and need to be the dominate Europe and Asia
What was Alexander the great's favorite animal he owned
b dog
c cat
d bull
Which plays were done the most at Athenian plays (select all that apply)
a* Comedy
c Epic
d Romance
Which leader was taught by Aristotle
a Genghis khan
b *Alexander The Great
c Charlemagne
d Constituent
True or False, Where pillars a main feature in Greek architecture
Friday, April 17, 2020
Day 37- Plato Bad Ideas
how does Plato define the forms
The ideal version and concept of things around us they serve as an instruction manual for us.
what are the three groups of Plato's ideal society
rulers, producers, warriors.
what are Plato thoughts on women
they were equally able to rule but he compared them to children along with him thinking that the womb moves around the body.
what was the noble lie Plato proposed
That people are born with a mixture of gold, silver, brass and iron that determine roles in life.
Friday, April 3, 2020
Day 36- Greek Architecture
This building is a very good summary of what Greek construction was. They used Many collums as in the picture for stability and also for design. The design shows that it is stable enough to survive thousands of years.

This is another example of using stone . The stone was used because of how readily available it was and also for its strength. This also shows the columns from before which was a key component of Greek design. The Greek columns are still used in buildings today because of how durable they are with their ability to look good in the process.
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
Day 35- Greek Theater
1) The plays that were tragedies showed focused on love, hate, war or betrayal and were designed to be on serious topics. The comedies were based on fun topics with jokes and other things.
2)The tragedies of ancient Greece were almost all based on mythological gods while today some movies still have gods in them from history. The main difference of the plays back then is that they were based on the focuses listed above and it is still used in today movies and plays because it they are the most tragic.

The main stage of the theater was in the center with the stands around it. Before they had the steps and seats to sit on they most likely sat in the grass or on a hill. The seats were arranged in a circular pattern so everyone could see the play. Some of them had orchestra pits for people to play music and sounds during plays.
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Day 34- Summery of Online School
Students and teachers are facing challenges unlike any we have seen before. The reason I think this is so unexpected is because I have never had school close for more than a few days with no work. Online work is causing challenges I have never expected. I would normally wake up for online school at either 6 or 12. The reason I wake up at these times is because my dad leaves for work at 6:00 and I cant trust the alarm clock on my phone because my phone sometimes crashes at night and sends it into safe mode which stops alarms. The work that I am given for biology, Spanish and bible I must teach myself because biology is lectures and we don't do live classes for Spanish. My workload for today is bible, Gym, Western Civ, English, Spanish, Math HW and Math Exit. All of these combine to take longer than 6 hours most of the time which is strait work. Plagiarism and cheating is tempting in this scenario with almost no way for teachers to see if we are cheating along with no consequences. I don't even know what consequences there are because we cant have detention or go to the office or have in school suspension. The past few days have been like a movie the governor making an order to stay inside to reduce exposure and about 65,000 more people get infected everyday with even more people in the US having not been tested or have been asymptomatic. This is still going to go on and everyone needs to adapt to the future.
Thursday, March 26, 2020
DAy 33- Athens Plague VS Covid-19
The Athenian plague shares some symptoms
to Covid-19 such as Fever, sneezing, coughing and possible pneumonia. The
deaths for the Athenian plague is 50-100 thousand while currently the death
count is 22,184 but is probably in the 30,000s because China has stopped
reporting numbers. The origin of the Athenian plague was likely from Africa.
The virus Covid-19 is from China most likely because it is where the initial
people showing symptoms are. The Covid-19 is a novel corona virus while the
plague that hit Athens was most likely typhus, smallpox, measles or a from of
the Black death. In 2005 a DNA sequence was taken from the teeth of a person
from a Greek burial pit and it came back as Salmonella Enterica an organism
that causes typhoid fever. Because of the plague in Athens law broke down which has not happened yet. There was no way to stop the Athenian plague but now we know how viruses work and have computer to help such as the Folding@Home project which uses multiple computers from around the world to act as one super computer to find a cure.
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Day 32- Summary
Alexander the great- Leader who captured and held large amounts of
land in Asia and some in Europe. From age 13-16 he was taught by Aristotle and was
interested by philosophy, medicine and scientific investigation. He succeeded Phillip
with no opposition by putting down his rivals. Put him charge of the invasion
of Asia. By 333 he conquered Asia minor. Once Asia minor was conquered, he
moved to invaded Egypt. Once he was dead the power was given to Phillip the 2nds other son who was a bad leader.
Darius 3- Last king of
Achaemenid empire. His empire was unstable and controlled by unreliable leaders
and rebellious people. Was chased by Alexander the great after he defeated the
Persians attempted to restore his army but was defeated finally defeated by Alexander,
he was killed by his bodyguards and bound him and put him in an ox cart.
Phillip 2- He expanded Macedonia
and is the father to Alexander the great. He only had one great defeat was when
he was too confident and did not have good Intel through reconnaissance. Started the league of Corinth which was designed to keep the peace. The peace never lasted long. He was wise and built on the achievements of earlier Greeks. He was assassinated by a bitter noble who didn't like him too much.
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Day 31- Alexanders Horse
Alexander the greats horse named bucephalus was his favorite horse and rode into many battles with it. He realized the horse was afraid of it shadow so he turned it toward the sun. He was the only one that tamed him so he bought is and rode it into battle from the conquest of the Greek city states to India. After the final defeat the horse was kidnapped and Alexander made a threat and the people sent the horse back. The death of the horse is not agreed upon weather it was battle wounds or natural causes. Alexander to get over the loss of his horse named a city after him. Alexander cared deeply for his horse and made a bond that lasted years of war and conquest.
Friday, March 20, 2020
Day 30- Cyder Days so Far
days overall have been shorter than a regular school day with most assignments
can be completed in no more than 5 hours. The most difficult part is that work
is posted in different places for almost every teacher. For example, for
Spanish all my work is on Microsoft Teams. For biology where are given no
directions all the work, we are given is just " go to posts and complete
this assignment". Sometimes with most teachers posting on Veracross
they will leave an assignment at the bottom of the post and I will read the
assignments at the top and do them and not look back. none of my teachers have
done online class where we are in a Skype call which I am not looking forward
to. So far, I have had two tests and I can see how easy it would be to cheat (I
didn't) because for Spanish google translate, for math photo math, for English
look in the book, for every other class look up the answers. I don't know how teachers,
or the administration can fix this so I think that some people will cheat on
everything they get and not learn in. Because they do not learn it, they will
not know it on the finale exam.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Day 29- Socrates Questioning Traditional Beliefs
Socrates stood up for the people that fell overboard at the battle against Sparta. Socrates also could of change the minds of the people in power and the generals were killed with hemlock. Socrates stood up to calm the fears of the people. He questioned the society and did what his reasoning told him to do and it was not to vote to kill the generals but vote to let them live. This event started Socrates questioning the society and following his reasoning.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Day 28- Pericles
The city would rely on their fleet of ships and their ability to trade with outside people. The grain boats turned on them because of the plague that was spread on the boat. The symptoms of this plague are given by historian at the time. "The body was seized by heat and redness on the head and inflammation of the eyes.and then the sickness descended into the bowels releasing laceration and uncontrollable diarrhea". The city slowed down and trade slowed. People decided not to be good because people could be bad and die the same way. 1/3 of Athens died. Pericles strategy underestimated the power of things he could not control. The changes who resented Pericles began to realize he was against corruption after so much followed his death. Athenian slid into mob rule and crippled their ability to fight a war. What folded out of their plan was the opposite of what they wanted
Monday, March 16, 2020
Day 27- 1st Cyber Day
was a leader who lead during the golden are of Athens who believed in
strengthening democracy by giving pay for political power because only wealthy
people could lead because middle class and lower couldn't afford to stay in
that position. A direct democracy is run through the people having direct
control and not going through a representative like in a republic. Few other
city states used this, and it was mainly used in Athens. The Delian league was
a pact that had all the city states come together in resources to build up a
navy and army to defeat the Persians or other invader. Some other the money was
used without the league’s permission to but gold, ivory and marble to make Athens
look better.
Friday, March 13, 2020
Day 26- Corona Time
in class we talked about what we will be doing for the cyber days because of
corona virus. Today was the last day of school for at least two weeks and may
go longer. By the time of posting the school has decided that web cam groups
are not mandatory but will be done with a 24-hour warning and can only happen
during the time the regular mod would happen. Most classes will give about 30
min of homework/cyber work. I think that schools will be closed for a month to a
month and a half because the Covid-19 has been spreading at the same rate as
Italy but we are 11 days behind them so what Italy has right now we will have
in around 11 days. For that reason, I think it will keep on speeding as fast or
faster because of the low amount of test kits; I hope everyone is prepared for
the next moth to a half of homework.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Day 25- Middle Movie
Today in class we continued watching the movie. In the movie we learned first about what was traded and how that affected their wealth. Because of the trading pottery became popular to store oil and other things such as cooking materials. Pottery became an art and vases from the Greek era sell for millions of dollars. 527 BC a leader was dead. 514 Hippias brother was murdered and tortured the murderers and tortured their wife. Pysitrius son only wanted to hold and expand his power. The rest of the movie mainly talked about Homer and Plato and his students in the rest of Greece and highlighted the Persian war. It also pointed out the biggest trade items that help to Greece grow to its popularity. The final part that the movie talked about was how the republic started. The republic started because of an overthrow in the government and the main leader that helped overthrow it decided to give the power to the people by giving them the right to vote in yes or no corresponding to black and white stones.
Monday, March 9, 2020
Day 24- Start Video
Today in class we started watching the grease video. The video is a three-part series about the beginning of Greece. It highlights different civilizations and important people such as Homer Aristotle and other important people. The video is 50 minutes long and we got through 15 minutes today so we are probably going to be watching this for the next four days. So far I have learned that one of the reasons the grease mainly Athens has grown so much is because of the amount of olive oil they can produce that was sold to Egypt. Most important stories usually have something to do with mythology such as the Iliad and the Odyssey. Both of which were written by homer which is also addressed in this movie. The movie is very good for notes because it is slower and highlights important details and is categorized. I’m looking forward to watching the rest of the movie.
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Day 23- Philosophy
Today in class we learned about the philosophers in Greece. One of the first meeting philosophers was Socrates he was the first one to help people to start thinking on what was happening around them and question but they were being taught. He came up with the Socratic method which involves making the other party thing mo today in class we learned about the philosophers in Greece. One of the first meeting philosophers was Socrates he was the first one to help people to start thinking on what was happening around them and questioned what they were being taught. He came up with the Socratic method which involves making the other party think more. After Socrates one of his main students Plato followed in his footsteps and after Socrates his death from hemlock poisoning. Plato gave his knowledge to one of his students Aristotle who helped form arguments to be done with facts and which also led to science as we know it today.
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Day 22- The Persian Wars
Today in class we talked about the Persian wars. The Persian wars were the wars fought between Greek city states and Persia. Persia being much larger was predicted to win the Persian wars but they lost in the end. the Greeks had superior navel technology and had the fastest and most maneuverable ships. The Greeks used the phalanx formation which was designed to break through any formations and be able to attack from the inside. The spartans put up a long fight which was 300 spartans against thousands of persians and by the time saved from them the athenians escapeed to fight the persians off of Greece. The Persians eventually lost to Greece because of the Athenians defense in the street of Sicily which stopped their trade with their own people inside of Greece which cut them off we can get supplies to continue the war. After this the Persians pulled out of Greece leading to Athens be retaken by Greece.
Monday, March 2, 2020
Day 21- Greece Part 2
Today in class we started the second part of Greece before that we started reviewing the test. On the test I did very well and better than I thought I would. The amount of questions on the test I thought was very good and the difficulty of the questions was also good Brandon from easy too difficult. After the test we started learning about the second part of Greece and Greek gods and goddesses. We learned about how Jesus is the main God because he is the main father over everyone else. The Greek gods were different than noticed every other guy because they had constant contact with humans in their stories. And their stories they thought about God’s fighting in wars for them. Some of the gods and goddesses to me are not useful such as the one that is the god of wine. Before the gods and goddesses there were the titans which gave way to their modern gods and goddesses which started out as Hades Poseidon Zeus and a few others.
Thursday, February 27, 2020
Day 20- Test
Today in class we took a test on grease. The test was 40 questions long multiple-choice and short answer. But the majority of the test is multiple-choice well only a select few questions or short answer. The only questions that were difficult were the ones on the map which are used process of illumination to figure them out. After the test I was filling in notes on Greece into a notebook that I haven’t used before because my normal Western serve notebook is missing which I think I will find in a few days. In my opinion I believe that grease with easiest subject out of the three we’ve had so far because of its general knowledge that most people now and it’s interesting facts. Some questions I think I got wrong were a little bit later and the test. I think overall on the test I probably got a B.
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Day 19- Study
Today in class we started talking about what is going to be on the test next class. On the test it should be about 36 questions 17 of which have to do with geography as in the map and locations and also the locations of different rivers such as the Nile, hwung he river and Tigris/Euphrates. For the test we will need to know what each people were the Minoans the sea people and the leader on people and what each one of them did the Minoans start it off Greek culture and see people we don’t know much about because they didn’t write down too much I didn’t trade. For the test we lost and you know what is in the Greek diet consisting of olives wine greens and other things. For the test we will also need to know about cultural diffusion and how that affected Crete and how they were absorbed into Greece and not just conquered.
Friday, February 21, 2020
Day 18- Pop Quiz
Today class we took a pop quiz along with reading more about Chris’s democracy. The pop quiz was 10 questions long and I definitely did very bad but I just messed up two things which set my grade back which I can fix on the actual test. The democracy of room was further expanded to include more people and give people more rights. Aurora’s fault between Athens and Sparta to determine control of Greece also architecture started booming in this time along with history was being taught children alongside of entertainment started growing it was a lot more entertainment during this time the previously such as plays that included comedies and tragedies philosophy started during this time with securities which soon died after creating the Socratic method which was followed by Plato the fall follower of Socrates and help teach his ideas. After Plato Aristotle came along and he helped everyone question their beliefs to determine what they were doing.
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Day 17- Government
Today in class we talked about government of Greece and other governments. The governments that we cover today were oligarchies Aristocracies and tyrants. Oligarchs were run by noble people and they have hold a lot of power and it was not run by the people. An aristocrat C was run by rich people that hold a lot of wealth and have a lot of land and a lot of power that work together. A Tierney is run by a tyrant which is one person that rolls over everyone else and Omie their rules are above everyone else is in the government. The Greeks then developed a republic where 500 people convene to make laws and enforce laws. During this time in Greek society anyone could Press charges against anyone even if they were very poor pressing charges against a noble. This form of government soon influence the United States and its formation of government .
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Day 16- Not a Pipe
Today in class we started off with talking about the allegory of the cave and transferred into talking about the pipe After that picture was On the screen that had a pipe on it and underneath of it written in a different language was not a pipe. Once We got it what it meant we figured out that it is not just a pipe it is a pipe that is projected on the screen from a computer From the Internet for a drawing for a painting. Once I understood how it meant I figured how much you can relate to other things such as TV being broadcasted through the Internet to TV from a where it is recorded or made or drawn. After you passed out the paper I was talking about the pike it also made sense that while reading it is leads back to other things not just a picture.
Friday, February 14, 2020
Day 15- The Cave Video
today we watched a video about the cave they Plato talked about. The cave was about showing education and not being educated. The people I the cave are not educated because all that they know is that things appear in front of them and they don’t know any different. When the one escapes and goes to the top and can see the light he goes back into the cave to try and get them to see the light but his eyes were damaged and could not see in the darkness and they told him that he did not belong there anymore and he created a plot to kill him but they did instrument to talk about how that is on uneducated people that they don’t understand. The video really helped clear out the points on but I did not understand from just the reading and pointing out the sun as being intelligence and darkness being an education which was.The video really helped clear out the points on what I did not understand from just the reading and pointing out the sun as being intelligence and darkness being an education which was good to learn.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Day 14- Greece Power Point
Today in class we went over the Greek power point. The power point told of somethings that were already said in the book, but it says more about Athens and other locations that I didn't know where they were. The terrain is much rockier than I thought it was and now I know why it is almost impassable and not economically viable to go across it. I didn't know that there were over 2000 islands in the seas surrounding Greece. The Greeks were very good at colonizing places that were close to the sea and had a lot of resources. The Greeks main diet was fish, olive oil, grapes and grains. Most of the other food that was gained was from colonies and they are not under "Greek" control but each states control. A treaty was signed that made almost all the city states share tools and other things with each other and not attack each other and one of the only ones not to agree was Sparta
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Day 13- Allegory of the Cave
Today in class we read the story of the cave and what its real meaning is compared to what the story says. The story is about someone that is in shackles at the bottom of a cave with a fire behind him and puppets casting shadows on the wall. The puppets sound like the people that are operating them, but they don't know that. While they are in the cave someone comes down into the cave to rescue one of them. When they get up into the light, he can’t see anything because he has never been out of the cave and needed to adjust his eyes before he could see anything. He decides to back into the cave because of how bright it is. The story is designed to show that if we get all our information from one source throughout life, we won’t know what actual freedom is. The cave represents how people can believe in certain things that are false their whole life and will still support it. The person that rescues them is knowledge and the path to knowledge.This story helps to show how people can believe false things and not want to change with knowledge or gain knowledge.
Monday, February 10, 2020
Day 12- Greece Questions
1. Define Term
Mycenaean- The last phase of the bronze age of ancient Greece
Trojan war- One of the most important events in Greek mythology that is a war of the gods and the people
Dorian- one of four ethnicity of Greece and a time period
Homer- an author in ancient Greece
Epic- A story that is told in a important way
Myth- Something that is not true but a lot of people believe
3. The Greeks became very skilled sailors and learned to depend on the sea for supplies
4. They adopted their myths
5. They built the foundation for their mythology and gods
Mycenaean- The last phase of the bronze age of ancient Greece
Trojan war- One of the most important events in Greek mythology that is a war of the gods and the people
Dorian- one of four ethnicity of Greece and a time period
Homer- an author in ancient Greece
Epic- A story that is told in a important way
Myth- Something that is not true but a lot of people believe
3. The Greeks became very skilled sailors and learned to depend on the sea for supplies
4. They adopted their myths
5. They built the foundation for their mythology and gods
Friday, February 7, 2020
Day 11- Test and Greece
Today in class we took the test for Mesopotamia and Egypt. The test was about 10 minutes long and was a good test. The test had about 17 questions on it and were mainly about Egypt. The test had almost no questions on Mesopotamia but answers that were Mesopotamian. After the quiz we read the book on Greece and i talked about how Greece was originally a collection of small communities. Greece was also very good at making ships and had to be because they had very small amounts of natural resources and fertile land. The small communities had different governments ranging from monarchy, aristocracy and oligarchy. Sometimes the communities had tyrants that promised to a make the peoples life better but changed their minds. myths that were created into beliefs were ones about Zeus Athenian and other ones. They also created stories to tell about the seasons and ones talking about how the gods are immortal.
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Day 10- Studying for Test
Today in class we went over what the test would be on. The test is mainly going to be about Egypt and Mesopotamia. He test should be on what we did in class so I will know what to study.
good things to know for the test
-Gods were animals
-Pyramids were tombs
-upper lower Egypt
-Switch on upper lower according to elevation
-The king that united all of Egypt for the first time
Most of the mummies that have not been raided have been preserved almost perfectly and skin and bones are still attached.
Mummification also caused researchers to be able to make a face out of the mummified remains.
There were some Egyptians that had Greek names
One of the remaining mummies is one that was a 19 year old king
The Egyptians were very far ahead in there ability to embalm people and there methods are sill used today
good things to know for the test
-Gods were animals
-Pyramids were tombs
-upper lower Egypt
-Switch on upper lower according to elevation
-The king that united all of Egypt for the first time
Most of the mummies that have not been raided have been preserved almost perfectly and skin and bones are still attached.
Mummification also caused researchers to be able to make a face out of the mummified remains.
There were some Egyptians that had Greek names
One of the remaining mummies is one that was a 19 year old king
The Egyptians were very far ahead in there ability to embalm people and there methods are sill used today
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Day 9- Pop quiz
in class we had a pop quiz on Egypt. The quiz had 7 question on it and the
questions were what the cataracts were. Another is what was a protective part
of Egypt. Why mummification was done, what were the pyramids used for and
the three other I don’t remember after the pop quiz I took time to study
for the next test on Egypt. The quiz was unexpected, but I should have picked
up you are saying that have we studied enough. For the next test I would hope
it would be a larger test for a higher weight on an easy subject. Egypt back in
its early days they made great medical advancements for their time and were
looked upon by great civilizations like the Greeks. I wonder what the full
extent of their medical knowledge was and how it compared with countries later.
I hope that the next quiz will be good.
Monday, February 3, 2020
Day 8- More Egypt
Geography- Nile supplied fertile soil, too far away from Nile and growing plants and animals is almost impossible.
Silt collected on Nile from yearly flood
Challenges-Silt disappeared sometimes cause starvation
Floods destroyed houses and crops
2 regions of Egypt upper and lower kingdom with the upper being on the southern side and the lower being on the northern part and this was done because of elevation
Pharaohs held eternal power as rulers and gods of Egypt
Believed in an afterlife
Judged for good things you have done
Filled tomb with mummified body and with valuable
social class was important and women had rights which they could hold property and divorce
Hieroglyphs could be a sound, image or a letter
Calender was accurate by just a few hours
Pharoahs fell along with the old kingdom
the old kingdom led to the middle kingdom from outsiders
THe new kingdom came around after the middle kingdom fell.
Silt collected on Nile from yearly flood
Challenges-Silt disappeared sometimes cause starvation
Floods destroyed houses and crops
2 regions of Egypt upper and lower kingdom with the upper being on the southern side and the lower being on the northern part and this was done because of elevation
Pharaohs held eternal power as rulers and gods of Egypt
Believed in an afterlife
Judged for good things you have done
Filled tomb with mummified body and with valuable
social class was important and women had rights which they could hold property and divorce
Hieroglyphs could be a sound, image or a letter
Calender was accurate by just a few hours
Pharoahs fell along with the old kingdom
the old kingdom led to the middle kingdom from outsiders
THe new kingdom came around after the middle kingdom fell.
Friday, January 31, 2020
Day 7- Finnishing up Egypt
Today in class we went over the Egyptian part of the reading. In the reading it talked about the climate of Egypt which is hot in the deserts but was good near the Nile but got worse the further away the town was. The book also talked about the soil which was fertile after the silt deposits from floods. There were almost no geographic defenses. There were three kingdoms/times and there were the upper kingdom and the lower kingdom which the lower kingdom is closest to the equator and the upper kingdom is further away. The reason for this is because of the elevation of the kingdoms.The middle kingdom started when the old kingdom got invaded by outsiders. The last kingdom was the new kingdom and they came from the Middle Kingdom and from outsider and they continued for a short time. The Egyptians used mummification to preserve their body’s for kA the after life
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Day 6- Test on Mesopotamia/ Start in Egypt
Today in class we took a test on
Mesopotamia. I think I dd well, but I am not very certain. This morning I
forgot that I do not have western civilization after biology so that is why I
went to your class this morning and almost dint make it to the class I was
supposed to go to.
NOTES- Egypt
Geography- Nile river, Fertile
Silt collected after floods
Challenges- Water level dropped,
and silt replenished leading to droughts/ Floods destroyed houses/ Desert on
either side of Nile.
2 regions of rulers- Upper Egypt
Lower Egypt
Crows were Red for lower and white
for upper
Pharaohs were rulers and gods
Pharaohs held eternal power in
Believed in an afterlife that could
either send you to a wonderful place or a creature would eat you
Mummification helped preserve the
Pharaohs body’s
Filled tombs with valuables and
important items
Social class like a pyramid
Women had rights
Hieroglyphs meant different
wrote on pyperus
created a 365 calendar’s
Old kingdom fell and was taken over
into the middle kingdom
middle kingdom fell to outsiders
Monday, January 27, 2020
Day 4- Preparing for the First Test.
Today in class we
started talking about the test and the questions on them.
200,000 years ago, a
human species emerged in equatorial (central) Africa
14,000 years ago, a
“worldwide” human race existed
Earliest prehistoric age
is the Paleolithic Age (Old Stone Age)
Neolithic Age (New Stone
Age) was marked by advanced tool making & beginnings of agriculture
Initially, humans were
parts of migratory groups which hunted, fished, and gathered plants for food
The Tigris and the
Euphrates were the main rivers that were lived off
Agricultural revolution
started and plants started being grown and selectively breaded
Most people around were
polytheistic or atheist
Mesopotamia is now
-Iran, Syria, Turkey, Iran
Earliest city was made
by the Sumerians
Average city held 40,000
Food surplus created
specialized jobs.
First surviving story
"Epic of Gilgamesh"
Sumerians were conquered
in 2350 bc
King Hammurabi of
Babylon took over
King Hammurabi created a
written law that anyone could see.
Nomads and travelers
brought animals into Mesopotamia
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Day 3- Hammurabi's Code 2
Today in class we talked about the different laws of Hammurabi's code. There are a lot of laws that are mainly about marriage, theft, an eye for an eye and other things like that. One is if a person pokes out and eye or breaks the bone of someone the reward will be different based off of the social status and wealth of the victim. Another is if someone's son hits the father his hands will be chopped off. Another is if someone is accused and they are thrown to the river and drown they are guilty and if they survive they are innocent and get the accusers property. Another one is you cant leave your wife is she is sick and kick her out. Another is if a slave says that the master is not their master than they will have their ear cut off. The final one is if someone is accused of murder with no evidence the accuser will be excited.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Day 2- Hamarabis Code 1
What areas of life did Hammurabi code cover- Many were about property and an aspect of an eye for an eye. They also covered what would happen if something is stolen, someone is murdered or assault and other crimes.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Day 1- New Semester/ Mesopotamia
Fertile Crescent- A part of land near the Mediterranean sea
Mesopotamia- An area where most civilizations start
City State- An outreach of a civilization
Dynasty- a command structure of a civilization
Cultural Diffusion- A cultures ideas and inventions being diffused into another civilization
Polytheism- The belief in many Gods
Empire- a collection of city states that are allied together under one nation
Hammurabi- A leader that lead at the height of the Babylonian empire
Which problem had the most complex solution
Building a wall a other defensive structures would be very complex because it would have not been done before
3 environmental challenges
1-Random droughts and floods
2- Bad geographic location for defenses
3 - Not enough raw materials or building materials.
Mesopotamia- An area where most civilizations start
City State- An outreach of a civilization
Dynasty- a command structure of a civilization
Cultural Diffusion- A cultures ideas and inventions being diffused into another civilization
Polytheism- The belief in many Gods
Empire- a collection of city states that are allied together under one nation
Hammurabi- A leader that lead at the height of the Babylonian empire
Which problem had the most complex solution
Building a wall a other defensive structures would be very complex because it would have not been done before
3 environmental challenges
1-Random droughts and floods
2- Bad geographic location for defenses
3 - Not enough raw materials or building materials.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Day 57- More Jeopardy
Today in
class we watched more jeopardy and the first game was free speech, athletes,
what are those, and stars. One of the first questions that was said is one
about vine which is old now. The one guy got the daily double and bet for only
200 dollars which made him barely stay in the lead while if he went for more money,
he could have gotten a way larger lead and would have left them in the dust.
One of the people at the end decided not to bet their full amount which
would put them into first place, but they bet so low that there was no chance
in wining. Another person was getting all of them wrong and was down thousands
of dollars and somehow caught back up and made it so second place but not first.
About halfway through the lights went out which I thought meant the power went out,
but they just turned on and off the lights.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Day 56- Jeopardy
Today in class we watched jeopardy teen edition. We really didn't do much more than that. During jeopardy one of the contestants bet all of his money and lost it all and the look on his face was just pure disgust. I learned during jeopardy about different wars that happened at different times and I didn't know that there was a war just a few years before the revolution. I am not really sure why certain people bet so much because of the chances they had where they could have won but they didn't. Another thing That confused me was why so many people went to a jeopardy game that can be watch where ever. After your class I took the health exam and it wasn't very hard which might be bad. The reason it might be bad is because I finished it really quick so I hope I did it right.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Day 55- Guns Germs and Steel Test
Today in
class we took the Guns Germs and steel exam. The test was not very hard as it
was general ideas of the movie and not specific part like I thought it would
be. The test had twenty-six while I thought it would only have forty questions.
After the test we had time to write our blogs. After the test I got my blog
almost halfway completed to where I am right now, and I have nothing else to
write about so I will write about something. I got a smart watch over Christmas
and I can’t use it because I can’t update my phone so I must either risk
switching to an unstable IOS bug or I can’t use my watch. Today I also edited
someone's cheat for a video game to make a speed boost bug. This is all that I’ve
done today, and I have homework I didn’t work on so I am going to have to do it
during mod change.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Day 54- FInished the Video
Today in class we finished the guns germs and steel video. The last part of the video was on how people were migrating east and west. The reason that they were migrating side to side were because they could grow the same way they have been but go to new areas. It also says that some of other researchers don't agree with him because he as a very simplistic idea of why people are better that other people. After we finished the movie we went over the questions that are on the test. The main questions that are going to be on the test are ones on Jared Diamond and the plants and animals that are very good for survival. We also found out the test wont be over 30 questions and will probably be on scantron with no essays. The test shouldn't take longer than 30 minutes because of the amount of questions.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Day 53- Cntinueing Guns Germs and Steel
Today in class we continued watching Guns Germs and Steel and talked about the horse that was outside of the school walking around. Today we got further than any other day which was good to just to watch the movie. The main part of the movie today was about the domestication of animals. It also showed how many animals are domesticated compared to how many animal species there are. It also showed that the people of the island didn't change that much until the westerners arrived. One of the final things that was shown on the movie was where the different animals were located around the world. The animals were only in the area of Asia, Africa, and Europe with the exception of the llama that is from south America. It then talked about how the people of the island got their metal tools when they have only had stone tools.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Day 52- Still watching Guns Germs and Steel
Today in
class we continued watching the movie about Guns Germs and Steel. Today in the
movie I learned that the main reason that people are successful are because of
the Geographic luck. Another thing I learned was that the people of new Ginne have
been farming for a long time and started about the same time as the people in
the middle east. I also learned that new Ginne doesn't have very long-lasting
crops and that is the main reason for why they don't have as big of a
civilization as the rest of the world when they started at the same time. I
also learned the coast of New Ginne is urbanized and is like a modern economy,
but the deeper parts are more like a stage 1 or lower civilization. The final
thing I learned today was thinking about the people of new Ginne thinking about
America which I've never thought of.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Day 51- Watching the frst half of Guns Germs and Steel
The show as covered in my previous blog is one on how people got to where they are today and also why some people have more than other. Today the movie showed the first settlement in the world which is 11,500 years old and was the first settlement to domesticate plants for farming. They selected wheat and barley that would have the best characteristics like size and taste. The settlement started right after the ice age and there wasn't many food so that was the only way to make their living. The settlement is also the first settlement to have a grainery which would keep their grain fresh for a long time so they always had a steady food supply. Also the people of the island on the movie are one of the only ones that are not even a stage one civilization. The total time we got through in the move was about 22 minutes.
Monday, January 6, 2020
Day 50- Guns Germs and Steel Intro
Today in
class we started the Guns Germs and Steel introduction which is about going
back 13,000 years ago and goes through history showing how humanity got to the
point it is at now. Before we watched the movie, we got to see our test grades
and how they are broken down between the essays and the multiple-choice
questions. The guy that wrote the book and movie is a biologist and he like
studying birds. The movie starts out in the country of new Guinee. His idea to
find out why some people have a lot of things and some people don't is because
of a man that approached him after he got off an airplane and asked him why he
has a lot of things and his people do not. The movie is supposed to show the
idea he has about people and is not agreed upon by some scientists.
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