Thursday, March 26, 2020

DAy 33- Athens Plague VS Covid-19

The Athenian plague shares some symptoms to Covid-19 such as Fever, sneezing, coughing and possible pneumonia. The deaths for the Athenian plague is 50-100 thousand while currently the death count is 22,184 but is probably in the 30,000s because China has stopped reporting numbers. The origin of the Athenian plague was likely from Africa. The virus Covid-19 is from China most likely because it is where the initial people showing symptoms are. The Covid-19 is a novel corona virus while the plague that hit Athens was most likely typhus, smallpox, measles or a from of the Black death. In 2005 a DNA sequence was taken from the teeth of a person from a Greek burial pit and it came back as Salmonella Enterica an organism that causes typhoid fever. Because of the plague in Athens law broke down which has not happened yet. There was no way to stop the Athenian plague but now we know how viruses work and have computer to help such as the Folding@Home project which uses multiple computers from around the world to act as one super computer to find a cure.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent research, Austin! You were the very first student I remember paying close attention to this crisis. It's like you knew how serious this was before anyone else.
