Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Day 22- The Persian Wars

Today in class we talked about the Persian wars. The Persian wars were the wars fought between Greek city states and Persia. Persia being much larger was predicted to win the Persian wars but they lost in the end. the Greeks had superior navel technology and had the fastest and most maneuverable ships. The Greeks used the phalanx formation which was designed to break through any formations and be able to attack from the inside. The spartans put up a long fight which was 300 spartans against thousands of persians and by the time saved from them the athenians escapeed to fight the persians off of Greece.  The Persians eventually lost to Greece because of the Athenians defense in the street of Sicily which stopped their trade with their own people inside of Greece which cut them off we can get supplies to continue the war. After this the Persians pulled out of Greece leading to Athens be retaken by Greece.

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