Monday, March 16, 2020

Day 27- 1st Cyber Day

Pericles was a leader who lead during the golden are of Athens who believed in strengthening democracy by giving pay for political power because only wealthy people could lead because middle class and lower couldn't afford to stay in that position. A direct democracy is run through the people having direct control and not going through a representative like in a republic. Few other city states used this, and it was mainly used in Athens. The Delian league was a pact that had all the city states come together in resources to build up a navy and army to defeat the Persians or other invader. Some other the money was used without the league’s permission to but gold, ivory and marble to make Athens look better.

1 comment:

  1. Good work, Austin, but you dropped a point by omitting Pericles' three goals. 9/10.

    Also, I completely agree with your logic from your Friday blog - we will be out for as long as it takes the US to get its act together, and we are looking more like Italy than South Korea right now. Here's hoping things improve!
