Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Day 34- Summery of Online School

Students and teachers are facing challenges unlike any we have seen before. The reason I think this is so unexpected is because I have never had school close for more than a few days with no work. Online work is causing challenges I have never expected. I would normally wake up for online school at either 6 or 12. The reason I wake up at these times is because my dad leaves for work at 6:00 and I cant trust the alarm clock on my phone because my phone sometimes crashes at night and sends it into safe mode which stops alarms. The work that I am given for biology, Spanish and bible I must teach myself because biology is lectures and we don't do live classes for Spanish. My workload for today is bible, Gym, Western Civ, English, Spanish, Math HW and Math Exit. All of these combine to take longer than 6 hours most of the time which is strait work. Plagiarism and cheating is tempting in this scenario with almost no way for teachers to see if we are cheating along with no consequences. I don't even know what consequences there are because we cant have detention or go to the office or have in school suspension. The past few days have been like a movie the governor making an order to stay inside to reduce exposure and about 65,000 more people get infected everyday with even more people in the US having not been tested or have been asymptomatic. This is still going to go on and everyone needs to adapt to the future.

1 comment:

  1. You make several good points about how difficult this is for everyone - students, teachers, even the governor (who I think is doing a great job). None of us have any kind of playbook to work from; we are all just figuring it out as we go. What we are going through will be a part of history textbooks in the future. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Austin, and good luck as we get back to work next week!
