Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Day 32- Summary

Alexander the great- Leader who captured and held large amounts of land in Asia and some in Europe. From age 13-16 he was taught by Aristotle and was interested by philosophy, medicine and scientific investigation. He succeeded Phillip with no opposition by putting down his rivals. Put him charge of the invasion of Asia. By 333 he conquered Asia minor. Once Asia minor was conquered, he moved to invaded Egypt. Once he was dead the power was given to Phillip the 2nds other son who was a bad leader.

Darius 3- Last king of Achaemenid empire. His empire was unstable and controlled by unreliable leaders and rebellious people. Was chased by Alexander the great after he defeated the Persians attempted to restore his army but was defeated finally defeated by Alexander, he was killed by his bodyguards and bound him and put him in an ox cart.

Phillip 2- He expanded Macedonia and is the father to Alexander the great. He only had one great defeat was when he was too confident and did not have good Intel through reconnaissance. Started the league of Corinth which was designed to  keep the peace. The peace never lasted long. He was wise and built on the achievements of earlier Greeks. He was assassinated by a bitter noble who didn't like him too much.

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