Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Day 25- Middle Movie

Today in class we continued watching the movie. In the movie we learned first about what was traded and how that affected their wealth. Because of the trading pottery became popular to store oil and other things such as cooking materials. Pottery became an art and vases from the Greek era sell for millions of dollars. 527 BC a leader was dead. 514 Hippias brother was murdered and tortured the murderers and tortured their wife. Pysitrius son only wanted to hold and expand his power. The rest of the movie mainly talked about Homer and Plato and his students in the rest of Greece and highlighted the Persian war. It also pointed out the biggest trade items that help to Greece grow to its popularity. The final part that the movie talked about was how the republic started.  The republic started because of an overthrow in the government and the main leader that helped overthrow it decided to give the power to the people by giving them the right to vote in yes or no corresponding to black and white stones.

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