Thursday, June 4, 2020

Letter to future self

 This year has been one for the history book. This school year started with rare events and ended with rare events. This 2020 has been overall a good year so far for me but its not me who is affected by the things happening right now. Covid-19 mainly affects the elderly which now I am everything but elderly. In this year so far we have lost almost 400,000 people who most likely would still be here. There is still more happening this year that has been drowned out by the virus such as North Korea is starting missile tests again, Russia is now almost a dictator ship, NASA found evidence of a parallel universe but it is not confirmed yet. As i am typing this there are peaceful protest and riots around the world from the US to England about the death of George Floyed. In all this year has had more and more things happen each month and it seems to be getting worse by the day. I hope that in the near future everything goes back to normal but it will be you that can tell what really happened this year. I just have a few questions for the future. How fast has technology increased? Is it faster or slower than the 1900s or earlier 2000s or did it get faster? What is the economic state of the world? How did we recover from this year? How long is 2020s chapter in the history text book?What ever the answers are I hope it is better than now.  Have there been any other pandemics since Covid-19. What ever the answer is I hope it gets better. I hope you remember this year for the good that happened  rather than the bad. If i am reading this the future got better than 2020

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