Friday, May 29, 2020

Day 50- Emperors

After the murder of Julius Caesar this grandnephew and adopted son takes control at 18. Octavian and mark become rivals. Mark partners up with Cleopatra sharing power. Octavian defeats them at the battle of Actium. Octavian becomes unchallenged ruler of Rome and is presented with the honorific Augustus. He was also given the title imperator now emperor. Rome has now become an empire. He ruled for 40 years. He started Pax Romana which lasted 207 years. His accomplishments were expanded into Africa, build road network, collected taxes, established postal service, increased grain supply, built public buildings, set up police, fire fighters started. He died of natural causes. Now after Octavians death power was passed down to emperors. Some were good some bad some awful. Tiberius ruled from 14 AD to 37 AD and was a good general but bad leader. After his son died he went into exile and died at 77. Caligula ruled for four years because he one a power cycle after Tiberius' death. He was an insane tyrant and was assassinated. After the Assassination a group tried to remake the republic but it didn't work. Next is Cladius who ruled from 41-54 AD and was a fair ruler but possibly had cerebral palsy. Died by poisoning from his wife who wanted her sin in power. Nero ruled from 54-68 AD and wanted to rebuild Rome. He over spent of it and arts and raided temples for money. Historians don't like him

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