Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Day 46- Two Topics

9-12: It started out with Tarquin seizing power and becoming a tyrant. His grandfather died  and his widow Servius Tullias becomes the king of Rome. One of their daughter decides to kill her husband and her sister to marry Tarquin. Tullia after killing her sister and husband she convinces Tarquin to take the place of king from his father and after becoming king he throws him into the streets where he is assassinated. Tullia then hails Tarquin as the new king. Tarquin has Tullia sent back home and onn the way home she sees the body of her father and drivers her chariot over his body and they refuse to bury the body. His son tries to take advantage of Lucretia and she refuses and Sextus black mails her. Tarquin tried to cover it up but the common people rose up and kicked them out of Rome. The people were getting suspicious of when they would be the next ones killed or exiled. The people wanted to get away from them before he would come for the people. Because of him it stopped Tyrants in Rome for a while

13-22: The Roman system is what the USA is modeled after so it has many similarity such as the branches of government. The branches being executive, legislative and judicial The executive being the president in the united states and in Rome it is the two consoles. the legislative branch is the senate in Rome and USA but they differ in the house of representatives and assemblies. The judicial branch were the supreme court in the US and in Rome they had the praetors. They both also had a sort of bill of rights while was the twelve tables in Rome.

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