Monday, May 18, 2020

Day 48- 160-165

As Rome was growing it was causing a wider gap in poverty to where the poor were getting poorer. The two brothers tried to help the poor and proposed to limit the size of estates and giving land to the poor. The brothers made enemies with numerous senators who felt threatened by them. The brothers died during a civil war. Caesar too over in a military take over. The three who took over became the three rulers of Rome. He was a great military strategist and a good leader who followed the rules for a consul. Caesar went to take over Gaul and he was ordered to come back. He took his troops to Rome and defeated Pompey army. Caesar took over the government and became an absolute ruler but started different reforms such as increasing number of senator and created jobs for the poor. Fears grew about Caesar and he was killed. An empire followed after him which happened because of another civil war. A general went to live in Egypt which cause another civil war. Octavian came out as the leader of Rome and almost gave some parts of the republic back. Int the next 240 years there was Pax Romania that created peace in. The empire stood strong for a while because of giving jobs to the poor. There were good and bad emperors the bad being Caligula, Nero, Domitian and the good being Nerva, Trojan, Hadrian, Antoninus and Marcus Aurelius. Slaves were important to Rome and helped to build and support the empire. The emperors would become gods in Rome along with the regular gods. In this time the classes were getting further and further apart. Many building were created to take the peoples minds off of the mass control. New practices started up such as Christianity.

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