Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Day 49- Caesar

I will be taking my test on June 2nd at 1:25- 2:15. The plebeians were poor and Juvenal said the only thing that would keep them happy and stop revolts would be to "give them bread and circuses". The bread being free bread from the government and the circus being entertainment like the Colosseum or parties. Generals let their soldiers share in what was taken from the area they were taking. Since the soldiers were sharing in the spoils they became loyal to their commanders and generals rather than Rome. The next leader in charge was Caesar who was a military general that conquered large amounts of area and was generally successful. Once he was a leader he helped the regular people happy along with people who were in high power. Caesar seized power and became a dictator. He made reforms to expand senate, increase solider pay, started colonies, granted citizenship. He was assassinated because of how he seized power and was stabbed before entering the senate. He was also stabbed by one of his close friends Brutus. This is the end of the republic

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