Thursday, January 23, 2020

Day 3- Hammurabi's Code 2

Today in class we talked about the different laws of Hammurabi's code. There are a lot of laws that are mainly about marriage, theft, an eye for an eye and other things like that. One is if a person pokes out and eye or breaks the bone of someone the reward will be different based off of the social status and wealth of the victim. Another is if someone's son hits the father his hands will be chopped off. Another is if someone is accused and they are thrown to the river and drown they are guilty and if they survive they are innocent and get the accusers property. Another one is you cant leave your wife is she is sick and kick her out. Another is if a slave says that the master is not their master than they will have their ear cut off. The final one is if someone is accused of murder with no evidence the accuser will be excited.

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