Thursday, February 13, 2020

Day 14- Greece Power Point

Today in class we went over the Greek power point. The power point told of somethings that were already said in the book, but it says more about Athens and other locations that I didn't know where they were. The terrain is much rockier than I thought it was and now I know why it is almost impassable and not economically viable to go across it. I didn't know that there were over 2000 islands in the seas surrounding Greece. The Greeks were very good at colonizing places that were close to the sea and had a lot of resources. The Greeks main diet was fish, olive oil, grapes and grains. Most of the other food that was gained was from colonies and they are not under "Greek" control but each states control. A treaty was signed that made almost all the city states share tools and other things with each other and not attack each other and one of the only ones not to agree was Sparta

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