Thursday, February 6, 2020

Day 10- Studying for Test

Today in class we went over what the test would be on. The test is mainly going to be about Egypt and Mesopotamia. He test should be on what we did in class so I will know what to study.

good things to know for the test
-Gods were animals
-Pyramids were tombs
-upper lower Egypt
-Switch on upper lower according to elevation
-The king that united all of Egypt for the first time

Most of the mummies that have not been raided have been preserved almost perfectly and skin and bones are still attached.

Mummification also caused researchers to be able to make a face out of the mummified remains.

There were some Egyptians that had Greek names

One of the remaining mummies is one that was a 19 year old king

The Egyptians were very far ahead in there ability to embalm people and there methods are sill used today

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