Today In
class we went over the test and I think it was easy and I checked my grade on
verracross so I don't know what I need to study because I haven't started the
review yet. I am just going to talk about things I learned today. Today I
learned that a project I have been watching has gotten a tool called Checkra1n
to run on Linux and once they release it I am going to make portable versions
of it to jailbreak my phone any time and be able to update my phone. I also
found a project that has the ability to perform downgrades on iOS without blobs
or nonce which is a huge step in the right direction. I also learned the third
person has the black death in china and china needs t keep it away, so it
doesn't seem like I traveled back to 1600s France.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Monday, November 25, 2019
Day 42- The Religion Test
Today in human geography we took the human geography religion test that will most likely be on the exam. The test did not take as long as I thought it would because I thought it was not going to be a scan tron because of the things we needed to learn like exact numbers, locations and adherents just to name a few. The test only took me about five to ten minutes while for the whole class it was about a fifteen minute quiz. The part of the test I think I will need to study for the final is the differences between Hinduism and Buddhism. The easy part of the test were the questions on Christianity because I already know the answers. The parts on Islam and Judaism were the easiest to remember except Christianity because I learned about them in middle school so it all came back from the previous years because of studying the power point.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Day 40- Start of Religions
Today we
started talking about religion. For the first part of class we went over
Christianity the largest religion in the world with billions of people. The
largest denomination is Catholics and the religion are Abrahamic in origin. The
next is protestant's which were created when the martin Luther said that the
Catholics were bad and created his own subdivision of Christianity. The second
biggest religion is Islam where most of their followers are in the middle east
and northern Africa. Islam has a whole month where they don't eat sunup to sundown
which I think would be very difficult to complete. Islam follows a set of rules
called the five pillars. The next is Hinduism which is a religion and also not
a religion because it is not formal like the previous two. Hinduism has no gods
which is another reason it is not considered a religion like the previous two.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Day 39- Reveiwing the Test
Today we reviewed the test that we took yesterday. The grade I got was very good with a percentage of 95 which I know will keep my grade up. The first part of the test was easy like I said in the post from the other day. The part of the test that had the population pyramids was in the middle for difficulty because some of them mainly the japan population pyramid which was confusing to me because I don't know what Mexico's population pyramid looked like. For that question I thought it could be Mexico because I thought japan had a wider top to the population pyramid. The part on like how I said yesterday should have been more exact or should have been a trick question. The last question that I got wrong was the one on industrialization which is what I am going to need to study for the final exam so I can keep my grade up
Day 38- Population Test
Today in class we tool the population test. I think the test was easy so I think I might have gotten a A. THe first part of the test was in my opinion easy because it was on what we went over in class. The part on population pyramids was easy because we went over it multiple times. THe part on the cia world fact books web address you should have made it very exact like so it would be harder for people who don't pay attention. I just checked my grade for the test and I'm very happy with the grade I got. The test was also very good because of how much it is worth so it should keep my grade high. The final part of the test in my opinion was also difficult so I think that is where I got some points off. I'm hoping the review tomorrow will go well so I have a good starting point for the exam.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Day 37- The final project
Today the final group resented their project on Somalia and japan. Their presentation was very good. Their presentation was the longest in my opinion because they had a whole plan to help Somalia. Their first plan was to stop corruption an get rid of the bad people. Their next step was to get good people into the government. After that they were going to do was fix the military to get corrupt people out. after that the next step is trying to get corrupt people out. Japan problem was its population. Their population will continue to decrease if they don't stop it by increasing the immigration or reproduction. At the end of class some people talked about ways to stop overpopulation. Someone started talking about eating babies would stop and I guess there not wrong physically but wrong morally. I really think that it would be a bad idea and would mostly do more harm than good.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Day 36- presenting the power point
Today in class we presented the power points from the last few days. Our group went first and the presentation went well. After us went the group that did Cuba. after that was the group was Russia. Our groups presentation I think was very good because of the amount of information on what we had and the solutions that we put forward. The problems for America I think we provided good solutions. For Afghanistan the education idea I think would work in stabilizing the country, The group on Cuba did have some good information on what can be done to make Cuba better such as getting oil from Venezuela but I think another thing that can be done is gaining more allies with other country.. For the presentation on Italy I didn't know that Italy's GDP was so bad and other thing like how it is almost impossible to get out of their debt and how long it takes to go to court.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Day 35- Finishing the Project PT2
Today in class we finished the project. The main things that needed to be finished were who was going to say what and fishing the solutions. The parts for solutions that needed to be finished were the American solutions. I don't have enough words for what we did so I am going to write about is the new checkra1n jailbreak that allows for an iPhone 5 to iPhone X jailbreak which is the first jailbreak in ten years to use a bootrom exploit which is the lowest level and is not able to be patched to it will last forever so I am waiting to try it out soon because I am using one called unc0ver which is already amazing but I'm stuck on iOS 12.4. It also affects apple TVs which I funny because its just a tv and you can put on it a lot of emulators.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Day 34- Finishing the project
Today in class we finished the country project. The united states was a main point of trying to find what to do for but this is what I got. The thing I think needs to be fixed the
fastest is its terrorism problem. Afghanistan has a lot of groups that are
trying to oppose the government. Afghanistan also has a big problem in education. The literacy rate is about 405 which is very low and even lower for women at only 24% which would need to change for that country. The United States is a country with not much wrong
with it except that it has a high amount of drug use. The drug use in the
united states is very high and it is trafficked through Mexico, Columbia and
other nations. Another thing that is not bad but could be better is unemployment
rate because it is kind of low and can and can be improved.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Day 33- Starting Country Project.
Today in
class we started the country project. The project is on fixing country's
problems. The country's that my group chose were the united states and
Afghanistan. The things that were wrong with Afghanistan were bad. There were
problems with the population distribution, economy, government, literacy,
location and much more. The second biggest thing for Afghanistan is its
literacy rate and education. The thing I think is what needs to be fixed the
fastest is its terrorism problem. Afghanistan has a lot of groups that are
trying to oppose the government. The United States is a country with not much wrong
with it except that it has a high amount of drug use. The drug use in the
united states is very high and it is trafficked through Mexico, Columbia and
other nations. Another thing that is not bad but could be better is unemployment
rate because it is kind of low and can and can be improved
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Day 32- Reviewing for Semester Exam
Today in class we went over the questions on the last semester exam. The last semester exam questions were easy because we already reviewed them in class already this year.. If the Exam for our semester should be easy and should be I should be able to pass of my grades on previous tests and knowing what I got wrong so I can study easier. The test is in December which I thought it was in November. During class you asked us questions on the exam we answered them. The main reason I think everyone is tired is because if I get 4 hours or 15 I feel fine but if I get about 9 or 10 than I am so tired I don't want to even move which is what I think a lot of people now have.. So for that reason I think that is why everyone is tired.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Day 31- Population pyramids work

Makua's population will probably be the same. The actual answer is that the population will go down because the birth rate .95.
Part 1
One thing that I found out is that Antarctica isn't owned by anyone but the united states says that it holds the right to claim it. The united states is saying that if any one else wants to take Antarctica they will to. If two countries are both owners of the land then they will most likely go to war.
The second thing I learned was that the world for some reason is importing more oil than is being exported so where did it come from. That figure is very important when talking about how many oil barrels are being imported and exported. The next thing this is good for is putting in perspective how many barrels we use a year.
The third thing I found was that Cuba a country that you would think isn't very good has the highest GDP spending on education. This is meant to show you that some country's have really good and really bad things. This also shows that other countries that are high up are not looked at as good countries.
The forth thing that I found was that only three countries don't use any fossil fuels. since only three don't use any than that means that most use fossil fuels. The median fossil fuel usage is about 70% which is a lot. Of these over 200 countries 22 use all fossil fuels. The united states is average at 70% which is high.
The last thing I learned is the difference of population in the top three countries. The united states of a population of about 300 million people is about a billion off from India the closest to us in second. The population difference is way to big and can only be changed by their own countries. This connects to our class because of the population growth of 2.1 has to be high for all of these countries to be this big
Friday, November 1, 2019
Day 30- 200 Years of History Quiz
Today we took the quiz on the two hundred years of history. The video is about the time frame from 1810 to 2009 and health with wealth. The health of the country is determined by the life expectancy. The wealth of a country is measured in gross domestic product per capita. The graph in the video showed a small increase until the nineteen fifty's when both life expectancy and the GDP per capita went up very quick. To the narrator in the video the Congo is the worst country to live in because of its low GDP per capita and its low life expectancy. The narrator also said that Luxemburg is the best country because it is health and wealthy. The graph showed two times when the life expectancy went down very fast and they were the Spanish flu and the first world war. The average life expectancy in eighteen ten was forty which is very low compared to the life expectancy today.
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