Friday, September 27, 2019

Day 14- Exact Locations and Relative locations

Today in class we learned about finding exact locations and relative locations. The first thing we learned about was Lat and Long which is very useful for finding a location. Latitude lines go horizontally, and longitude goes vertically. The reason that it is so useful is because anywhere in the world can be found by using las long because it relies on the latitude and longitude lines to tell you the exact location of something. The next thing we learned about were parallels which are the horizontal lines that go around the globe and never stops. The way that parallels are said as the seventy eighth parallels the equator is the most center parallel and goes around the earth and has the parallel of 0. The prime meridian is the line that mark is on 0 longitude and goes through Greenland. Meridians are the lines of longitude and they also help create time zones. The original time zones were created back in 1884 and set the universal.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Day 13-Situations and locations

Today in class we learned about situations and describing locations. A situation is how geographers describe locations based off other locations. An example of this is describing the area of bel-air. Belair can be described and located by saying the locations around it such as how far it is away from Baltimore. Another way Belair can be described is by saying that it is in Maryland and in Harford county which is used to tell the general area like the last one with Baltimore. The next thing we learned was the main reason why Chicago is so big and has a huge population is because early in the united states it was the farthest inland that you can go by boat. The reason that was so important was because of the very good farmland around it. Chicago was the entrance to the west because a lot of railroads were built to make it easier to move food and other materials.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Day 12-Geographers and locations

Today in class we learned about how geographers describe where locations are. Geographers can describe a location by its site. A site describes the physical characteristics of a location or region. Important characteristics of a site are climate, topography, water source, soil condition, vegetation, Lat and Long and finally elevation just to name a few. A wide variety of features make a place distinctive from other areas. Maryland and North Korea have the same latitude but different climate, topography, Sites that are near the water usually have larger populations than ones away from water because most areas were settled before fast ways of transportation because water is essential in many ways including drinking sanitation and trade. Humans can modify characteristics of a sight on purpose or not on purpose. We learned that the new parts of Manhattan doubled in size from 1626 to today. The double in size in the early days was done by sinking ships and covering them with trash from the original Manhattan area.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Day 10- test reveiw

Today in class we talked about what was on the test and what the answers where. For the first part of the test with multiple choice I got all of them right. The last question for multiple choice was one about stenographers and I forgot what it is was called on how they write so I went with what I thought was the best answer and it turned out to be right. The fill in the blank questions were very easy but for one of them I don't know why I wrote the answer it said I couldn't use which looking back was very dumb and I should have double checked it. The bonus question was what I thought it was, but I guessed wrong and forgot to go back and put in a guess. The essay questions were on what I saw on the day before the test when you put the questions on the board, and I studied them so I’m glad they didn't change

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Day 9- Mercator and Peters projection maps

Mercator maps are what people see as normal maps. The Mercator map was created in 1569 is was created in Europe to help sailors find their way around the world easier but is still used today by sailors for its characteristics of equal Lat Long. The main reason that people use them is because they are easy to read because the latitude and longitude lines are equal on Mercator maps. Mercator maps are not accurate from how it really looks because it is smaller in the center and makes areas on the north and south bigger but makes Africa and middle American countries smaller. The next thing about Mercator maps is how many people use them. Many big corporations such as Google, Bing, yahoo, apple and more use the Mercator map for their services. The Peters projection map was made to show what the world really looked like and not distort the image like the mercator map. The Peters projection map was created in 1987 to challeng hte mercator The Peters projection map to a lot of people looks wrong and streached because people are used to the mercator map not what the world actually looks like. The Peters projection map is one of the only maps that is not distorted like mercator.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Day 8- Maps

Today in class we talked about maps. At the beginning of class, we talked about a map that was upside down and what we thought about it. Some people said that the map was upside down and he said that it could be orientated whatever way because there is no "top of the map". The next thing that we did was take notes on different maps such as a map of America, the world as a map view and a what it looked like. The map that everyone thinks is normal and correct is false and created for sailing back a long time ago. The second map looked stretch and distorted but we found out that that is what the world looks like and I found that very strange because I thought that Greenland was a huge country like the size of Africa but that wasn't the truth. The map that was distorted was what is what it looks like from space which I found puzzling compared to everything that I've seen in the past in school and in general. The final thing was that the original map was designed to make Europe look bigger than 3rd world country’s such as Africa.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Day 7-Test

Today the test was not very long and didn't take up too much time. Some of my preparation questions that I posted last night were on the test, so it helped when trying to study in the small amount of time I had. The last thing that was on the test was the bonus question which on the test I forgot the name of the mountain but described what I thought was the answer. The next thing that was on the test were questions about the message of Garcia such as a question on who wrote the story/essay. On the test there was a question about who took the message to Garcia which wasn't that difficult because the other names I didn't hear before in the class. The next thing that was on the test was who killed President Mc. Kinley. The person that killed him was an anarchist or someone that doesn't believe in laws or authority. The final question on the test was for what would I do if i was in the jury in socrate's trial which i would have voted him to be inocent. 

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Day 6- Test Preparation

Today in class we talked about what was going to be on the test.

During the test tomorrow it will include 2 essays, a few fill in the blank and multiple choice questions.

* multiple questions about 1899 and a message to Garcia both multiple choice and fill in the blank

*Critical thinking

*A question about perihelion 

*What it means to be called an idiot in Greek

*President McKinley was assassinated by an anarchist 

*no questions about arete 

*the reaction to the poison Socrates was given

* the trial of Socrates

*results of Socrates trial

*who delivered the message to Garcia

*what is important about 508 BC

*Socrates early life and him being a stonemason

*that McKinley mountain was named after president and is the tallest mountain

*spelling will count in the essay and fill in the blank

*What happened during the trial and death of Socrates is an essay question

*no questions about initiative

*what Socrates was charged for and sentence

*there will be a bonus question for extra credit

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Day 5- Socrates

Today we learned about the philosopher Socrates and what happened to him. The first thing we went over was what he did in his early life. In his early life he grew up as a stonemason and later fought in the Peloponnesian war. Before he was an adult the revolt had already happened, and the Athenians created democracy. Once he was an adult, he started to question things such as if the sun was pulled by a god or something else. After he started questioning things, he started talking to children about what they thought and trying to get them to think for themselves. By this time, he created western philosophy and was questioning himself. Soon he started getting a lot of attention for his questing of some of the Greek gods. He was arrested and put on trial for not worshiping things the government wanted people to worship. During the trial it was proposed that he should receive the death penalty. Socrates in response to this said he should be rewarded for helping the kids learn and to question things. After the trial there was a vote of five hundred people which resulted 280 guilty to 220 innocent. He was sentenced to death which was carried out using poison. Once he was going down to the jail people had set out to help him escape but he refused and took the poison saying that he believes in the democracy and running would undermine the democracy. He died an hour later after the poison was taken.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Day 4- Mini Research

508 bc-Set the foundations for the democracy in Athens Greece. Established the first democracy in Athens. Replaced the tyrannical government that proceeded the democracy

Polis-translated to a city-state. The main structure of a community. There were about 1000 at the peak of Greece. The Biggest polis in Greece was Sparta. Each polis is about the same as a state in the United States

Agora- The main market place in a city state. It is usually located in the middle of a city state surrounded by government buildings. Three officials insured that people had fair trade.

Socrates- He was the first person to really start being a philosopher and started founders of Western philosophy. He was the first to start moral philosophy. He has no records and there are no writings from him only accounts from other people

Socrates death- Socrates was found guilty of not praying gods of Greece. After he was found guilty he was ordered to death. He was locked in a jail and given a poisoned drink. Once he drank the poison he spoke his last words and died.

Socratic method- The method is cooperative arguments. The method is supposed to make it sound like you agree with what the other person is talking about while getting your point across.

What it means to be called an idiot- In Greece if you were called an idiot you were someone who didn't participate in politics and is very selfish. They are also described as people who do not participate in their city-state to make it better.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Day 3- Message to Garcia

Today in class we learned about delivering a message to Garcia. The story takes place in the Spanish American war where Garcia is a rebel leader who they want to join their side. The story starts out with a solider named Rowan that got a command from the president to deliver a message to Garcia which he goes through the jungle to get to Garcia. The writer then talks about how the regular person in a working job needs to be like Rowan instead of complaining about their job. The next ting the writer talks about is how hard employers work by keeping their work going and their employees in line. The next part that we talked about was that the writer tells that employers work the hardest. The writer also says that employees who complain about working conditions or hours are horrible workers and should be fired. The writer also says that people who complain should be beat with a club or stomped in the head. The story/essay was made into a pamphlet and a book. The Essay was also translated into 30+ languages and has sold more than 40 million copies. The Writer at the end says that more people need to be like Rowan and not like the clerk.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Day 2- Highschool Time

Today in class we talked about the amount of time is taken up in high school. The first part about high school that takes away time is I live around 45 minutes from school which is an inconvenience. The next thing I am going to talk about is sports. The sport I am playing now is football which starts at 3:15 and goes until 6:00. Which adding getting home I usually get home at 7:00 and don't start homework until 8:00 which can go over an hour can go into the night. After all of that I need to get up at 6 to get my little brother on the bus so at maximum I only get 9 hours of sleep. What My school day now compared to middle school is a lot more frantic than middle. In middle I would wake up at around the same time but school ends at 2:00. The difference in time was in middle school practice starts at 6:00 giving me 4 hours before practice and more time during the day. The final part that will take up the most amount of time is makeup work after a football game which will just add to what I already have taking away more sleep then what everything else takes away.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Day 1- First Day of School

To start out my first post I am going to write about the good things about the first day at school. The first great part of the day is walking in the front door and seeing the security guard who I think is one of the most important factors in the school’s protection. The security guard puts a good feeling in my mind knowing that the school is protected from any one that would want to do harm to anyone in the school. Another great thing were the room numbers and the way that they tell you what floor and side of the hallway your class is on. This really helps for the first few weeks and for new classroom assignments. I found very helpful the free periods which are going to help a lot throughout the year. The biggest reason that the free periods help is that with doing sports most homework is going to be started after eight which drags into the night. The next great thing about the first day of school is the five minutes to get to every class which compared to middle schools 4 minutes which is a lot of pressure taken off me, so I do not need to rush from class to class. Now to the things I didn't like about my first day. The first day seemed very rushed compared to normal and I didn't get to learn much about every class. The next thing I didn't like about my first day were the time restrictions of where we could and could not be such as we are not allowed in the academic wing during lunch. The next thing I didn't like were the size of the lockers. The lockers are way too small for everything I have. I could just barely fit my backpack and some books, let alone a lunchbox. The final thing I didn't like about the first day were the time differences in the clocks.  Some said I had two minutes until I was late, while others said I was late. It was very confusing determining if I was late or not. The next thing I am going to talk about is the seating for the class. Where I am sitting now in the front row, I feel being my height would hinder the people behind me from seeing the screen