Thursday, February 27, 2020

Day 20- Test

Today in class we took a test on grease. The test was 40 questions long multiple-choice and short answer. But the majority of the test is multiple-choice well only a select few questions or short answer. The only questions that were difficult were the ones on the map which are used process of illumination to figure them out.  After the test I was filling in notes on Greece into a notebook that I haven’t used before because my normal Western serve notebook is missing which I think I will find in a few days. In my opinion I believe that grease with easiest subject out of the three we’ve had so far because of its general knowledge that most people now and it’s interesting facts. Some questions I think I got wrong were a little bit later and the test. I think overall on the test I probably got a B.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Day 19- Study

 Today in class we started talking about what is going to be on the test next class. On the test it should be about 36 questions 17 of which have to do with geography as in the map and locations and also the locations of different rivers such as the Nile, hwung he river and Tigris/Euphrates. For the test we will need to know what each people were the Minoans the sea people and the leader on people and what each one of them did the Minoans start it off Greek culture and see people we don’t know much about because they didn’t write down too much I didn’t trade. For the test we lost and you know what is in the Greek diet consisting of olives wine greens and other things.  For the test we will also need to know about cultural diffusion and how that affected Crete and how they were absorbed into Greece and not just conquered.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Day 18- Pop Quiz

 Today class we took a pop quiz along with reading more about Chris’s democracy. The pop quiz was 10 questions long and I definitely did very bad but I just messed up two things which set my grade back which I can fix on the actual test. The democracy of room was further expanded to include more people and give people more rights. Aurora’s fault between Athens and Sparta to determine control of Greece also  architecture started booming in this time along with history was being taught children alongside of entertainment started growing it was a lot more entertainment during this time the previously such as plays that included comedies and tragedies philosophy started during this time with securities which soon died after creating the Socratic method which was followed by Plato the fall follower of Socrates and help teach his ideas. After Plato Aristotle came along and he helped everyone question their beliefs to determine what they were doing.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Day 17- Government

Today in class we talked about government of Greece and other governments. The governments that we cover today were oligarchies Aristocracies  and tyrants. Oligarchs were run by noble people and they have hold a lot of power and it was not run by the people.  An aristocrat C was run by rich people that hold a lot of wealth and have a lot of land and a lot of power that work together.  A Tierney is run by a tyrant which is one person that rolls over everyone else and Omie their rules are  above everyone else is in the government. The Greeks then developed a republic where 500 people  convene to make laws and enforce laws.  During this time in Greek society anyone could  Press charges against anyone even if they were very poor pressing charges against a noble.  This form of government soon influence the United States and its formation of government .

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Day 16- Not a Pipe

Today in class we started off with talking about the allegory of the cave and transferred into talking about the pipe After that picture was On the screen that had a pipe on it and underneath of it written in a different language was not a pipe. Once We got it what it meant we figured out that it is not just a pipe it is a pipe that is projected on the screen from a computer From the Internet for a drawing for a painting.  Once I understood how it meant I figured how much you can relate to other things such as TV  being broadcasted through the Internet to TV from a where it is recorded or made or drawn.  After you passed out the paper I was talking about the pike it also made sense that while reading it is leads back to other things not just a picture.

Friday, February 14, 2020

Day 15- The Cave Video

today we watched a video about the cave they Plato talked about. The cave was about showing education and not being educated. The people I the cave are not educated because all that they know is that things appear in front of them and they don’t know any different. When the one escapes and goes to the top and can see the light he goes back  into the cave to try and get them to see the light but his eyes were damaged and could not see in the darkness and they told him that he did not belong there anymore and he created a plot to kill him but they did instrument to talk about how that is on uneducated people that they don’t understand. The video really helped clear out the points on but I did not understand from just the reading and pointing out the sun as being intelligence and darkness being an education which was.The video really helped clear out the points on what I did not understand from just the reading and pointing out the sun as being intelligence and darkness being an education which was good to learn.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Day 14- Greece Power Point

Today in class we went over the Greek power point. The power point told of somethings that were already said in the book, but it says more about Athens and other locations that I didn't know where they were. The terrain is much rockier than I thought it was and now I know why it is almost impassable and not economically viable to go across it. I didn't know that there were over 2000 islands in the seas surrounding Greece. The Greeks were very good at colonizing places that were close to the sea and had a lot of resources. The Greeks main diet was fish, olive oil, grapes and grains. Most of the other food that was gained was from colonies and they are not under "Greek" control but each states control. A treaty was signed that made almost all the city states share tools and other things with each other and not attack each other and one of the only ones not to agree was Sparta

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Day 13- Allegory of the Cave

Today in class we read the story of the cave and what its real meaning is compared to what the story says. The story is about someone that is in shackles at the bottom of a cave with a fire behind him and puppets casting shadows on the wall. The puppets sound like the people that are operating them, but they don't know that. While they are in the cave someone comes down into the cave to rescue one of them. When they get up into the light, he can’t see anything because he has never been out of the cave and needed to adjust his eyes before he could see anything. He decides to back into the cave because of how bright it is. The story is designed to show that if we get all our information from one source throughout life, we won’t know what actual freedom is. The cave represents how people can believe in certain things that are false their whole life and will still support it. The person that rescues them is knowledge and the path to knowledge.This story helps to show how people can believe false things and not want to change with knowledge or gain knowledge.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Day 12- Greece Questions

1. Define Term

Mycenaean- The last phase of the bronze age of ancient Greece

Trojan war- One of the most important events in Greek mythology that is a war of the gods and the people
Dorian- one of four ethnicity of Greece and a time period

Homer- an author in ancient Greece

Epic- A story that is told in a important way

Myth- Something that is not true but a lot of people believe

3. The Greeks became very skilled sailors and learned to depend on the sea for supplies

4. They adopted their myths

5. They built the foundation for their mythology and gods

Friday, February 7, 2020

Day 11- Test and Greece

Today in class we took the test for Mesopotamia and Egypt. The test was about 10 minutes long and was a good test. The test had about 17 questions on it and were mainly about Egypt. The test had almost no questions on Mesopotamia but answers that were Mesopotamian.  After the quiz we read the book on Greece and i talked about how Greece was originally a collection of small communities. Greece was also very good at making ships and had to be because they had very small amounts of natural resources and fertile land. The small communities had different governments ranging from monarchy, aristocracy and oligarchy. Sometimes the communities had tyrants that promised to a make the peoples life better but changed their minds. myths that were created into beliefs were ones about Zeus Athenian and other ones. They also created stories to tell about the seasons and ones talking about how the gods are immortal.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Day 10- Studying for Test

Today in class we went over what the test would be on. The test is mainly going to be about Egypt and Mesopotamia. He test should be on what we did in class so I will know what to study.

good things to know for the test
-Gods were animals
-Pyramids were tombs
-upper lower Egypt
-Switch on upper lower according to elevation
-The king that united all of Egypt for the first time

Most of the mummies that have not been raided have been preserved almost perfectly and skin and bones are still attached.

Mummification also caused researchers to be able to make a face out of the mummified remains.

There were some Egyptians that had Greek names

One of the remaining mummies is one that was a 19 year old king

The Egyptians were very far ahead in there ability to embalm people and there methods are sill used today

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Day 9- Pop quiz

    Today in class we had a pop quiz on Egypt. The quiz had 7 question on it and the questions were what the cataracts were. Another is what was a protective part of Egypt.  Why mummification was done, what were the pyramids used for and the three other I don’t remember after the pop quiz I took time to study for the next test on Egypt. The quiz was unexpected, but I should have picked up you are saying that have we studied enough. For the next test I would hope it would be a larger test for a higher weight on an easy subject. Egypt back in its early days they made great medical advancements for their time and were looked upon by great civilizations like the Greeks. I wonder what the full extent of their medical knowledge was and how it compared with countries later. I hope that the next quiz will be good.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Day 8- More Egypt

Geography- Nile supplied fertile soil, too far away from Nile and growing plants and animals is almost impossible.

Silt collected on Nile from yearly flood

Challenges-Silt disappeared sometimes cause starvation

Floods destroyed houses and crops

2 regions of Egypt upper and lower kingdom with the upper being on the southern side and the lower being on the northern part and this was done because of elevation

Pharaohs held eternal power as rulers and gods of Egypt

Believed in an afterlife

Judged for good things you have done

Filled tomb with mummified body and with valuable

social class was important and women had rights which they could hold property and divorce

Hieroglyphs could be a sound, image or a letter

Calender was accurate by just a few hours

Pharoahs fell along with the old kingdom

the old kingdom led to the middle kingdom from outsiders

THe new kingdom came around after the middle kingdom fell.